The Jeep is…

I dunno about the driver thou!

gettin ready to leave.

Freezing rain in penn hills…the trucks are already covered!!!

Please be safe!!!

dan ate, then puked. I seen it!!!


I am not making it out tonight. Have fun & be SAFE!

where is the 412 crew???

are you going chad??? i would have but i just got off work and have to be back at 7 not worth driving out there to hang for 10 minutes to drive back



youd like that wouldnt you :yum:

Hahaha, good times.

There may have been a few spitballs launched across the room. Depending on who you ask…hilarity may have ensued. :rofl:

Man, whitey was out of control at walmart.

Just got back from Jeffs(well maggie and I went to eatnpark after) and yeah its 5:30am. Ive only been up 12 hour tho :smiley:

I wish I had the camera to capture the motorized cart racing around the parking lot.

i wanted to come, but our babysitter backed out on us last minute because of the weather.

Pretty good time. I was only there for an hour or an hour and 15 minutes…

Thanks to Cheeks for trying to buy me and the girl drinks… We “didn’t have our ID’s” though. Haha

whatever happened to that 412 crew??? cause I saw the 41jews in full effect yo…manichevits for all

:rofl: i didnt think they left the keys in the rascals for that reason

i can’t wait to see the pics


damn, sounds like it was a good time…