:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

my exact words, wtf

How late will people be there? I might not be able to get there until 8 or 9.

Brian usually closes the bar himself so probably pretty late.

Pending sentencing I will be in attendance…
hopefully this wont be like the pinks party and Ill be wearing another elctronic monitoring device…

Saturday, December 15th 7:00pm- Pittspeed.com’s Annual Christmas Bash!
Quaker Steak and Lube Robinson

thanks for showing everyone my date now there is no surprise

Ill be rollin wif da 41 jew crew yo

are you still goign with the original idea aahheeemmm…?

i would hope so!

Me and bmxpaperweight may be there

Will be there after the Rally saturday!

how do you get into so much trouble?

either way you need to supply the hoodies lol…ill wear one for you if you cant come

So whats the deal with skipping out on the buffet? Not trying to be cheap but will probably already be stuffed by the time I get there…

was wondering the same thing?

I think ill do wristbands for the people that pay.

just curious cause im pretty sure we’ll eat before the party

you just, dont make sense at all… like ever.