
Originally posted by BlkP42E
alot more than Sam’s NOS :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Shaggy
shit wheres my race @

i wanna see what heads and cam can do to me…:hahano: :hahano: :hahano: :hahano: :hahano: :hahano:

bend over

Originally posted by Darkstar
bend over
got lube?

im getting royal purple :smiley:

Originally posted by slowcamaro
not if Roland or sam have something to with it
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :yum:


tremac’s kick ass

:cool: congrats!

ohhh im breaking that shit!!!

Sweet a tracking number. I;m going to call and tell them they are taking it to the wrong house. That was only the billing address…

Make me an offer First reasonable offer wins a new tranny :smiley:

they said that they only ship it to the CC billing addy!