i’m guessing his query was “total domination”
he totally bought his wife on the internet somewhere. her page says that she moved here from ukraine 7 months ago.
that would explain it
edit: I want to have a beer with him… he’d tell tales of fighting wolverines in the wild with his bare hands
Fuck yeah! He could be the next bounty hunter show.
lol its only a matter of time before he’s a national star… the next william hung if you will
I’m gonna send his page to O&A :lol: I wanna hear him interviewed w/steve from yellowstone
man what is wrong with people
Looks like a DrDos designed Myspace
… explains a lot
Him and Sammy Van Halen should fight to the death. That would be epic.
these two guys should be friends
these two guys should be friends
Dansville NY is extremely haunted. Thought id throw that in there.
Wow, I’m mad I missed this thread initially. This is great!
Dansville NY is extremely haunted. Thought id throw that in there.
Him and Sammy Van Halen should fight to the death. That would be epic.
Based on the thread title, I thought this was a thread about Sammy Van Halen.
haha thats great. i wish i could have a sweet mustache like that