7/30 @ 8pm Starbucks Sunday Meet

on my way…

eh didnt feel like driving all the way out there

was a very good turnout and only 1 cop rolled in, but did nothing

motion for bux meets again?

Sure, why not. Was a good time.

great turnout

Very nice turnout tonight, it was great to see alot of old faces that I havent seen in a while. Being couped up in the shop all the time its not that often I get to say hi to everyone. It was a great time indeed. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


good times :tup:

It was a pretty good turnout, lots of diff crowds too.


Good turnout, wish I had my car.

Great time, even the parade of cars doing 40 down transit, with the cop passing everyone in the median. Don great ta see you been a long fuckin time. Adam

Wow what a turn out- nice meeting some of you guys

i wish i could’ve been there :frowning:

“The restaurant is closed! If you want to keep peeing on that, I’ll arrest you. I will NOT let you turn transit road into a speedway. Stop looking at me like you dont know what Im talking about. Get in your fucking cars and go back to where ever the fuck you came from NOW”


good turnout no dought, met some new faces :tup: I even got to show off my new slo DD lol

i went, didn’t no anyone there since it was my first time up there. I had the Cobalt SS/SC … and I was diff one of the slowest cars there. lol

who said that? :rofl:

APD when people pulled into mighty on Transit :slight_smile:

lmao, APD is so retarded. just like they brought out the assault riffles on us a few yrs ago cause they “caught us plotting to street race”