$75 to UB student who can...

You’re awesome.

you’re the best.

you’re the swellest, boardjnky4.

I’m ordering my computer today yay yay yay

It’s like buying Coco Krispies knowing full well that the Aldi’s Cocoa Rice is the same thing or eerily similar?

yeah i like open office too. Ive been getting into learning linux stuff and i enjoy using open office. ive never run into a situation where i didnt have capabilities. I have heard from powerpoint superusers that the presentation software wasnt as good as M$ but the average user(myself included) will never see those.

I think James P just picked up a copy for you.

aw man, i wish i read this thread before i went there to buy a copy of the XP upgrade at academic price and thought i was the shit… when it could’ve been free

hope it works out corey man :tup:

Really? Jampes P! Who is Japmes P?

Ok I’m ordering this bitch tonight. I went to the Apple store and I fell in love all over again.
