8/13 autocross - BIMP

The rev limiter comment was for silver.

Interesting bit of math:
80 mph = 117.333333 feet per second
70 mph = 102.666667

Straight at batavia = about 270 feet

Time to cover straight at 80 (the whole way) = 2.3 seconds
Time to cover straight at 70 (the whole way) = 2.6 seconds

Point being, accelaration matters, top speed on the straight doesn’t (not targeting anyone), just trying to make is a little more visible that holding the limiter won’t cost you much time, and since you are going up hill might actually save you time being that the actual time difference is probably more like .1 seconds if you have cars that accelerate the same, but one maxes at 70 and the other at 80. The shift time is at least .1 seconds, and durring that time you are actually slowing down a good bit since you are going up a steep hill.