8.19.2005 - Last Friday at O

wow… Can I still go,…? lol…


i probably can’t go to meet you…

hope you the best, howie!

sorry couldn’t make it last night…but i iwll deff make up for it tonight…:slight_smile:

Good times were had by many… especially Me…
Those who know… know…
I will probably swing by again tonight too… I dont know why I’m up right now… I haven’t been able to get back to sleep for more than 30 min… since about 7… Hellooooo 3 hours of sleep.

Too many RedBull Vodkas?

X… :smiley:

nah… I dunno what / why I wasnt’ sleeping… Maybe the RUm N Cokes… but I only had 2 of those at about 11 and 12. Oh well whatever… who needs sleep anyways.

damn…i missed it. Ill make up for it lata…you know what i mean :wink: