American Idol LOL

I don’t wantch the show but it looks like there is a huge push to get the guy everyone hates to win the show. I love the idea of everyone getting pissed cause they hate this kid.

i like him!

maybe just cus i saw his baby picture in people magazine and he was sooooooooooooooooo cute. as a baby.

u like him?

he sucks balls, and imo a woman in mans clothing.

he should of been booted 304394 weeks ago, i cant believe sundance lost to this waste of space. He cant sing worth a shit, and it is a singing show. Fuck him!!!

good thing tony bennett is on next week :slight_smile:

Simon said he will quit if that kid wins. Hailey is HOT!!!

Tony Bennett? I’m gonna have to watch.

have not seen one episode yet.

love it

yes i cant wait!!

finally a good judge.

I watched the queen episode last year, was really disappointed.

thats cause faggy freddie wasnt there

queen is nothing without him

antonella > that pig.


Clearly not, he got a bad case of the foot aids, im looking at you skunk. Anyway i would like to see that broad with no neck gone cause i hate hearing about how good she is.

one of the black chicks is gunna win, they are both very good.

which one are u talking about?

lol @ u idol fags

I odnt know i dont watch the show but one doesnt have a neck. its just a big head on a pair of shoulders.

He is not a waste of space. Sundance should have been gone a long time ago. Who wants to listen to songs that a fatty made? he’s not american idol. Maybe a mcdonalds idol.

:wink: :wink:

i don’t really watch it much… i just know that sundance was a fatty

Yea Howard Stern is on a mission to get that Sanjaya guy to win. He’s been asking everyone to vote for him so he can win and ruin American Idol.


Im still pissed they booted Baily Brown off in Hollywood just for forgetting the words. Now all they got is some future Fantasia “No Future” Borinos. At first I couldnt believe the little gay guy Sanjia made it thru but now I want him to win because they have been bootin decent people like the fat kid. :hay: Sanjia

Hahaha I have never seen that show, nor do I know anything about it, but I do know that Fantasia Borinos will never achieve anything because she is ugly and poor…

I hate that stupid show, I’m glad people are trying to ruin it. Today’s “professional” singers are bad enough, I certainly don’t want to hear the amateurs… Fuck karaoke, too.