or trying to be careful and not catch a felony for breaking the kids face… I mean making him cry from “talking to him” :retardclap

Someone should lock this thread up, it will go no where, the kid will never meet me.

Dukes a Fluke

duke laFluke


everyone in this thread prior to post #26 has had, and loves penis in their mouths.

Oh hai guyz :gay


great thread lol y isnt duke replying???

first off:

ROFL +Rep for Cossey! hahahahahahahah

ok ill read the rest of the thread now.

He was banned for trying to force oral sex upon another member.

no offense but, how come it seems like every gym rat needs to straighten out “car crowd conflict” with violence?

/\ semi serious question actually.

/ not so serious answer I came up with.

The roids give them big arms, strength and the ability to look tough (wither they are or are not) at the expense of loosing some penal size… therefore attempt to punchisize faces on under weight, less offensive looking individuals to make up for lack of said penal size and impress fellow ring worm infested gym rats.


no offense but this is another one of them dumb posts that just shouldnt be posted.

no offense but ur a retard.

truth = pain :rofl :rofl :rofl

Penis size is not affected by steroid use. Please stop spreading myths, kthx.

tried to stick it in the ol’ poop lachute eh

What are the negative effects of steroids than?

Not size, just impaired production of sperm and small testicles and that IS a fact :slight_smile:

IIRC, testicle size.

Psh, I posted before Rita edited hers to say ball size. She copied my answers.