So, I get a Call today...

Well a fellow SHIFT518 member, is taking offense to what I say about him/her.He/she says I should not talk to elders (him/her) the way I do. Him/her is only 5 years older by the way. I mean yes I joke around and known as an idiot on this site. But there is only a certain amount that one can handle, especially from this individual.So if you wanna say shit to me and in my threads, I will do the same in return. And I never have/will considered you “my boy” as well. Thought id like to clear that up as well since you mentioned countless times about me apparently saying that to you. You threaten me I will be banned for posting something against you. I am right now simply posting to tell everyone what took place today. A couple SHIFT individuals were by me at the time heard you screaming on the phone.As well as some others that heard from other sources…

So to this member I wanna say some things…

(1) Don’t act all hard , while you call from a restricted line…
(2)If you brag to people about a so called “burnout"you are mistaken people.It was truly a one wheel peel and some scuff from the other.
(3)You really need to chill and work on developing a sense of humor.
(4)When someone calls from a restricted line stating"You know who this isangry” .I really don’t know who it is if you don’t state your name first. Just future reference…
(5)If you delete this thread and/or ban me, I know and people will know who it is.So most likely I will create another thread or get unbanned.

  • I never mentioned your name in this thread so you do not have to chime in. If you wanna start shit on here then move this thread to another section.I don’t wanna hear a bitching phone call in the AM.

  • Duke LaDuke

… wat?

listen dukey bitch, if you wanna fight, then lets go!


…sorry dude…my bad…i was such a dick…

Duke: Just looked at your sig, went to, played with the rim viewer, had a laugh, went back to Shift.

I wonder who those Shift member heard this rediculous phone call were?? :shifty

IMO, a phone call was absolutely uncalled for and very childish. Just my .02 :Idiots

does someone need a hug? :lol

Ruh roh!! :ahh :lol

SONOFABITCH. I was going to move this just to fuck with you but it won’t let me. :rofl :rofl

Mk340r getting louds my guess.

This thread is back in the offbeat section. Nothing wrong with it BRETT WHEELER so stop taking your mod privleges and solving personal things with them. IF you dont like it GTFO. Freedom of speech he can say anything he wants. If you didnt want this out there maybe you shouldnt have called him to whine like a grl on the rag


OMG theres a token black guy…

BTW whys this in trash bin? should be in the public off beat or at least battlefield

This is Elliots couch on a Saturday night. :rofl :rofl

:ohsnap :ahh:ahh:ahh:lol

I have to admit I am getting tired of some of my post being deleted. Yesterday for instance when johawk made the shift sticker I made a serious post about something of the shifter being off and my post was deleted. It was not moved or anything it was deleted and it was on topic and adding to the thread.

Its getting out of hand

“(4)When someone calls from a restricted line stating"You know who this isangry” .I really don’t know who it is if you don’t state your name first. Just future reference…"

:rofl:rofl:rofl LOVE it when that happens hahahaha

plus juan

I had about 6 posts deleted yesterday that were on topic, albeit humorous. So I started deleting his posts :rofl