Lunch time adventure

so me, and my two dogs went into my living room and everything was cool until we stopped at my computer, so what does cliff decide to do? check his email ! what do I get when I click something…VIAGRA OFFER… I was like ummmmmmmm im a young buck, I dont need this ish. Then I met up with more awesome animials (my cats) and made lunch and walked around went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth yay, was fun tho, lunch was very good too and fuckin timely cause I made that shit. fuck ya bitches

My cat likes to hang out with me while I brush my teeth too. :slight_smile:

:wierdwere u drunk/high when u wrote this? this feels like a snippet from a blog entry or something youd see on twitter or something like that


for the slower members…

he is mocking the thread where tricia, nicole, and travis went to the mall and did nothing exciting, but decided to post about it anyways

his post:

These seems about in line with the rest of the useless crap people post.

+rep for meeting the status quo.

国家级新药:独具黄金品质的癌症新药–华蟾素胶囊是采用科学方法提取干蟾皮中的脂溶性成份精制而成,该胶囊所含的蟾蜍甙元及华蟾蜍精具有超乎寻常的抗癌作用,访成份的抗癌活性比目前临床使用的紫杉醇,阿霉素和喜树碱抗癌药强十倍,甚至百倍,并且无副作用,为众多癌症患者带来福音。部份患者服药一周,即有明显疗效,多数患者经一至二个疗程即达到肿瘤缩小至消失。华蟾素胶囊对胃癌,肺癌,肠癌,食道癌,胰腺癌及急性白血病均有非常好的疗效。 ◆ 药物简介: 1、用华蟾素胶囊价格治疗消化系统肿瘤及其它肿瘤共570例,一疗程为一个月,治疗一至二个疗程以上,并观察一个月以上,显效和稳定占80.74%。 2、病理组织学观察表明,华蟾素胶囊与化疗5-Fu一样,作用于肿瘤组织,使癌细胞核破碎,坏死,变性。免疫反应可见,使用华蟾素胶囊者明显增高,细胞免疫也有所增强。如治疗胃癌病人,肿块坏死灶增加,明显优于手术组(P

:rofl. i got to the third sentence and started laughing… i knew there was a connection between both threads

LOL Nice Cliff, very nice…

oh and another votblindub face palm @ his response

my IQ just went down

Thanks guys!!

Cliff…remember that one time when you came over and we talked? Then drank some soda. We even laughed at one point of something that either of us said. Then we had another soda and talked more. Then after that you went home to do stuff…but I stayed here at my house and did stuff too. Man…good times.

So basically this thread is about as useless as woman’s professional basketball?

so why is there a offtopic section then ? and why whenever cliff posts its some wise ass or mean remark…retarded , thats why its a offtopic section, so cliff why dont u go in every thread in the off topic and go make some stupid remark about how its dumb, maybe there shouldnt be a damn off topic section then !

btw I could totally agree with you if I wrote, " oh I went to the mall, walked around and did nothing" but NO I went there saw porn on a iphone by accident and had my car called a refrigerator and blah blah blah. so it wasnt a useless thread as this one is, this thread fails in every way…and ur not cool for making fun of me either, well at least I dont think so, I think its quite dumb

fight fight fight fight

Are you fucking high?

You sir do not understand this thread.

this thread is so dumb its stupid. god.

The only thing I understand is that this thread fuckin’ sucks.
