Lunch time adventure

I found it hilarious @ Cliff coming through with the funny and then this to follow:


I did not see any humor in it at all, was kinda stupid actually :retardclap

Tricia dont be mad your story sucked and Cliff’s is off the chain.

wow I am not at all mad, I just think its dumb when someone makes fun of another person for no reason. So if u think my story sucked then tell everyone else that has posted that theirs sucked too. Why is there a offtopic section? If u all think my story sucked Im sorry, I wont post anymore:banghead bye

:frowning: That trip to the mall really meant the world to her, guys.


You made a stupid thread, he called you on it, it happens everyday…don’t get all butt hurt.

ok first of all Im not " butt hurt " and second of all how is it a stupid thread and why is no one calling anyone else’s threads stupid why is it only mine that gets called stupid, there have been far more retarded ones, and Cliff did not call me on it at all hes just trying to make me look dumb, Im just pissed that I get shit for a “stupid” thread and no one else does. And NO going to the mall did not mean the fuckin world to me either ass, it was fun yes, and I guarantee if anyone else on this forum had the same thing happen and posted they wouldnt get shit, and no one said it was dumb till Cliff had to come over from the other forum and try to act all cool and make fun of it, honestly if thats how all of u are then I have no want to be on a forum like this, it pisses me off that in a god damn OFFTOPIC thread I get shit for it, the mods should delete it then bc alot of ppl post dumb shit, so why even have it. Sorry if Im ranting but I dont go around calling ppls threads stupid. Its one thing to post in the thread hey this sucks, but to go and make a whole other thread mocking mine is just a bit immature, well this will be my last post until ppl stop being such dickwads.

I didn’t “come from the other forum” to try and act cool.

1.)I’m on both forums.
2.)I am cool I dont have to try


Seriously, this thread was just a joke… none of the aforementioned events actually occured. They were all fabricated. I’d like to apologize to my peers for misleading them… I hope this doesn’t tarnish my reputation.

then where did u come from, u were on that forum first and then came here so yes u came from the other forum and u r so cocky with that statement, whats ur problem ? why u gotta be such a dick?

haha, i am so high right now.

You make it sound like I purposely typed in just to target you. To answer your question in regards to where I came from, it was from upstairs as my story had stated. I can come from a lot of places such as; home, work, grocery store, mall, apple store, whatever…

But if you want me to get serious with you, I can debate all you’d like. You’re typing as if I have no rights to be on this forum, that I shouldn’t be interacting with other members here merely because I’m on Buuut… I was registered on that forum, along with this forum before you. And according to your join dates, you were registered on prior to shift. So… what grounds are you trying to stand on right now? Because your arguement is sort of… well, you don’t have one.

I fabricated a story in which I found to be quite humerous. Others find it funny as well, some find it retarded. Y’know what? I got a good giggle out of it, and at the end of the day… if I can entertain myself I’ll chalk that day up as a success. Seriously, are you that concerned about the innanetz and your online popularity that you’re going to get this upset over a topic? It was a joke. Please, don’t sue me.

yo don’t interrupt everyone talking to me about butt-secks okay! :rofl:rofl:rofl

As much as we’ve disagreed in the past, I totally agree with you. Someone gets all fucking butthurt and whiney because you made a funny, please…

Personally, I got the joke and I found it hilarious. Anyone that does not is just a fucking labia swinger…or wants their labia swung?!

LOL!! ^^^ thanks bud. ;p xoxoxo

This thread rules. :rofl

fuck u all seriously i understand it was a joke that just so happened to be on me, u all have NO fuckin clue what I am going through right now personally in my life and then to deal with this shit, two members of my family are prolly gonna die due to a car accident, bf issues, ex bf issues and to top it all off I had over a thousand dollars stole from my bank account from one of the hannaford hacks or whatever, so please stop giving me all this bullshit, it was retarded in the 1st place, I just dont understand why I got singled out and mocked, no one else on this forum did, thats why Im pissed, and no I dont think I am the " popular " one at all, I dont even know everyone, and at this point dont want to. If someone can answer my one question I will drop it, 1.) WHY am I being mocked and getting shit for a “dumb thread” and NO ONE ELSE has ? Especially cause its in the fuckin OFFTOPIC section ?

Last week it was mine and Adam’s turn. Now I guess its yours except your pics arent in every thread.

well I didnt come here to be made fun of, I came here to have a good time talking about cars and every now and then stupid things that are somewhat funny. I have no problem with someone saying my thread sucks but to go and make another one mocking me is just retarded and pisses me off especially cause it wasnt that dumb. I really dont know at this point, u all seem to be very high school - ish I thought we were all grown up, making fun of ppl was so high school drama.