Lunch time adventure

Shift518 would like to apologize for the misunderstanding, but its members are really only here to make fun of people and cause high school drama.

This sounds like Travis with estrogen, settle down. It’s all in good fun, whenever i’m feeling bad i head to mcdonalds and get the free smiles they have on the menu and ask them how much for a hug.

Well we didnt either but it happened and we took it very lightly, even going back and forth against each other.

Ive learned not to take much stuff here personal because most of it is just joking around, which Im sure was the original intent of this thread. I dont think it was started with cruel intentions.

i have to much going on right now as I said , its not that I need to settle down.

Maybe you should hop off the forum full of meanies and address the issues at hand.

i have already addressed the issues, and maybe I should anyways

sit a few plays out, then i’ll shoot you a few pics of jesse that you can post up and come pinch hit one out of the park

Yea I hear this JClark fella is a real tool


Just stating the obvious in case others didn’t pick up on it

I was lol’ing at this.

This goes on all the time on this forum, I don’t get the huffy-ness. Different people get bashed every week on here. I’m pretty sure everyone has gotten their share:rofl

That happened over a year ago. The hack lasted from 12/7/07 to 3/10/08. I had this happen once, with my bank card, for just over $900. I filed for an unauthorized withdrawal and had my funds back the same day I detected it.

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It’s True



Tricia nobody is serious on here with the lol’z

calm down, calm down!

Everyone has. It’s all in good fun. And I agree, no need to get all

haha this thread rocks

So don’t visit the OT section anymore, anyone and everyone in here can be made fun of at any moment in time. It’s just the way it is.

Hey guys you know what I like to do?

Show off my awesome penis in bars.

So what if it’s gotten me kicked out of literally every bar I’ve ever honored with the display of my penis?

People should see it.

oh ps, I’ve fucked every woman ever in every possible way.