Lunch time adventure

Be careful with what bars you whip it out at. At some bars like Waterworks and Club Phoenix you might not get exactly the result youre looking for if you know what I mean.

You might go home with a new ‘friend’ though.

holy shit ,what a clusterfuck …cliff your a tool now i see why we broke up , im glad you have to fabricate stories to get off lololol…in all seriousness wtf is wrong wit people

mine is all over shift cause of rankin and pete;)

Gayer than aids

shut up fluffy

You seem to make a ton of reference to the local gay bars… Sounds like you’re a patron of them.

No, I just know which bars to stay the fuck away from when I go out.

I make threads in hope that Cliff will make fun of me. He’s awesome

well it happened again, if u dont believe me call cap comm buddy

LOL! Sorry! I’ll try harder.

btw, this thread sucks.

cliff swallows

LOL, its been forever since you’ve talked dirty to me… :wink:

read up farther i was talkin shit fag ,in other words look at past post,s

Civic drivers are so uptight these days…

I would know, I spent 7 hours in a car with one yesterday. :rofl

shit & fag? I told you already… we’re not doing scat porn.

mother fucker i will rip that ass up its been awhile ,ya dont even know kid …hey wait a min we can tape it and post it up here and see what trish thinks of anal that way

Wow, your way on the defensive!

Capcom makes some cool games though. I love resident evil!

I just called Capcom and they said they dont know anyone named Trisha…

Who should I ask?

cliff notes, ftw