:bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: me taking a lunch @ 3:30pm
especially when you get to work before 8am.
my week sucks more than any other and it’s not even the end of the day monday. fuckers
:bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: me taking a lunch @ 3:30pm
especially when you get to work before 8am.
my week sucks more than any other and it’s not even the end of the day monday. fuckers
hook up with that receptionist :kekegay:
don’t you have 2 support staff? delegate that shit nucca!
me and whitey’s lunch > your lunch
can’t delegate issues to peoepl that don’t know what thefuck is going on… otherwise i’ll be right back up there in 5 minutes even more pissed off
whats the main issues today?
sexual orientation…nothing you gotta worry about playa :pimp:
me hating life and people being mother fuckers.
same old.
solaris is owning me right now… i hate it some days
yeah I didn’t quite understand that movie either
haha… lunch wasn’t bad… took over an hour to do nothing… going home in 20 minuets… .booya :finger:
“every day is worse than the one before, so basically, every day is the worst day of my life”
“wow thats messed up”
today is better than yesterday in respect to not sucking total dick…
it’s early :doh:
My week started off better. Helped strip a civic to almost to nothing till 6:30 in the morining, then got stuck in the mud, called off work ( NO PAY) then dont get home untill 1pm. Finally sleep for like 4 hrs. try to sleep more, dont go back to bed untill 5:30 am then miss all my classes on monday and have a research paper due on WED.