gaggingly strong gin + tonic + 4 beers + not eating for 21 hours = teh WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!
Heres a big :finger: to all you bitches sitting at work right now!
gaggingly strong gin + tonic + 4 beers + not eating for 21 hours = teh WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!
Heres a big :finger: to all you bitches sitting at work right now!
No :finger: for all us bitches about to go to school?
Its 7:30 where you are. HAHA that sucks! You do indeed deserve a :finger:
Yeah, I don’t have a class 'till 9:30 but I wanna go get me some breakfast biatch.
Uh Oh… Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the MUUUNDAYS!!!
In my brief 1.5 year stint at RMU, i am proud to say that I only made it it breakfast one time, and that was only because I had to get up early to go to court for getting busted at Crafton. We got back and they were still serving breakfast. :kekegay:
me work u drinking=u SUCK!!!
Yeah, I think you had RMU and RUM confused most days there. But honestly I very rarely get breakfast either. To be honest the only reason I’m up so early is because I fell asleep around 8pm last night cuz I was so hung over and beat down.
work? you call that work? you get to work on sweet cars all day long! That isnt work! Thats fun! You get to build racecars all day, fucker! You get no damn sympathy from me!!! Ill switch ya jobs. You can work at the hotel! And besides, you can just make sam do all the work on Pittspeed all day!
(psssss, get yourself a flask! getting drunk at work is even more fun then getting drunk at home! Cause youre getting PAID TO GET DRUNK! how great is that? And you could boss sam around and shit, while drunk. That would be AWESOME. Hey sam, yeah… im gonna need you to go ahead and wash and wax my car today… yeah, if you could go ahead and do that, that would be GREAT… )
+2 for me for pulling 2 Office Space quotes in one thread, while piss wasted, at 10am on a monday!!!
RUM, that would be a cool name for a school. I cant drink RUM though. I had Bad experience when I was 14. Taco can attest to this. Plus, Rum makes me prone to fits of puking in Burger King parking lots, which to this day i still dont understand, when I had a perfectly good LS1 to puke in.
151 > me
or was that another night… cause i think that was a Bankers Club rum night.
you cant handle the supreme ownage and horsepower producing powers of the all mighty, all defeating, death defying, best engine ever produced in the history of internal combustions, the 1990-1991 Mitsubishi 4G63t.
Yeah I think the BK Puke incident followed the Banker’s Club night (man, that shit was wrong, yet you didn’t see me puking like a n00b). I forget when we drank the 151.
those =POOP
:bsflag: 4G63 > God
Hey, i didnt puke that night, or all that morning. It wasnt until I got into the F-body that i felt nauseous. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm… :finger:
NOW IT CORRECT!!! :finger:
drinking = good for so called diet :rolleyes:
Well just got back from vacation, i had champagne for breakfast everyday. That shit never gets old. now i’m stuck in the office working and itching to drink.