Sutter's Wednesday Nights Starting 10/01/08

It’s been a long track season. I went to Sutter’s last Wednesday for wing night after the track. I couldn’t believe how empty the place was… LET’S FILL IT UP!

October 1st Is the 1st Wednesday the track is closed… Everyone should show up at Sutter’s!


For those of you that haven’t been there before…

Sutter’s Mill & Mining Co.
1200 Western Ave
Albany, NY 12203’s+mill+albany+ny&fb=1&cid=0,0,11509318925100544934&ll=42.678066,-73.826001&spn=0.009307,0.015364&z=16&iwloc=A

My b-day is that Friday (the 3rd) :banana :giggedy :giggedy :giggedy

But i may swing down to Sutter’s after class (8:30) that Wednesday.


18 duuuuuude

Jesus… holy young…

I just turned 17 in June :ninja

I’ll be out one of those nights, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your car before. What part of town are you in? I’m in Guilderland.

We already goto sutters every wednesday?
at least i do.

.25 wings! :banana

:ohnoes i was at war when you were like 11… i feel old.

YOUR ONLY 17? holy crap.

so that means youre still in highschool?

Kramer Butts is YOUNG

ill be there on the 1st. most of the time i am if the track isnt open… i love beer and cheap wings!!!

I want their fucking wings RIGHT NOW.


On the other side of the river, about 2 miles from HVCC

I’ll prolly be there most weeks.

yea i go from time to time as well, its pretty chill

Shots of JD? I think so

Not for me… I like my license. I want to keep it. Forever.

this is a bold face lie

I never drink Jack… it makes me wild.