Lunch time adventure

Lol @ jeremiah

They don’t call NationalDyke the ‘ego bruiser’ for nothing, pal.

all personal matters aside.

  1. travis gets made fun of enough.
    2 nicole gets made fun of enough.

anymore questions :wink:

it’s because i havent been posting lately and they had to get it out on somebody

I just had to.

:hug - for Tricia.

:frowning: hey ya’ll I’m going to interject here and piss a few people off myself. I know Tricia personally. And she is a real awesome girl. I know Cliff KINDA personally (met him a few times is more like it) and he is pretty cool OFF the threads. However I don’t know anyone with larger e-Nuts. He was a pube-hair away from being BANNED COMPLETELY off for the same shit, just a little bit more heated and threatening. But he does have real asshole tendencies that no one, even his friends, can HONESTLY deny exist.


o.m.g. :rofl

If Cliff is banned from any of the local forums I will personally start where he continue blessing us with comedic gold.

and the point is what ???/cliff is funny we need more people like him here instead we get uptight people that cant take jokes :'(,cliff and i have gone at it before but ya know what were all friends here "as far as we know"with a few exceptions we all bust peeps balls or clits in this case if she cant take it fuck her :thumbup

and the point is what ???/cliff is funny we need more people like him here instead we get uptight people that cant take jokes ,cliff and i have gone at it before but ya know what were all friends here "as far as we know"with a few exceptions we all bust peeps balls or clits in this case if she cant take it fuck her

Aw, thanks the both of ya!!


I also think that its possible that NationalDyke is used to getting ‘labia swung’ (I coined that term) on other, national forums but obviously that is not going to happen here.

You guys are really assholes, yes I may be a girl whatever but how often do u find any girls that are interested in cars ? not that many, there are a ton more men on here than women and with that being said one would think you would be nice to her. I am a very nice and kind person and I do know how to take jokes I even dish them out myself, but when I have alot personally going on in my life I might take something more personally than I normally would. I have never ever been mean to anyone on here, just cause I dont want it in return. I dont know if you all wanna call me a cry baby and labia swinger or whatever u want to call me then thats fine. I am sending a PM to the mods to cancel my account. Its been fun, but honestly you all took it way to far, in my own opinion, I never once in this thread had a problem with anyone but Cliff but yet you all felt to need to slam me and neg bomb my rep calling me a cry baby and what not, and the funny part is that every single person that I have ever ran into that has a car, I always tell them to go to 518carscene and shift518, cause I thought u all were awesome. . .

btw buddy its not national dyke, if u could read it clearly does not say that and I would appreciate it if u stop with that please

and whats up with everyone having the national cry baby member shit in theyre sigs ? this is exactly what I am talking about, you all are getting excessive with it for no reason

I don’t really get made fun of regularly, aside from maybe Sean and Jesse.

Sure there have been plenty of times that you guys poke fun at me, but I know most of you peresonally, and have known you for a while. I know it’s all in fun.

Tricia doesn’t know you guys though. That’s the difference.

Tricia, I should give you a couple of my patented “I-dont-give-a-shit-about-what-they-say” classes for forums use. :hug
Don’t cancel your account. We actually NEED female input for some threads.

Vadim, you bring so much of that on yourself bud. I’m sorry, you do.