Lunch time adventure

Srsly, you know where I stand on this Tricia, and it’s not like you’re new to this. haha

Take it with a grain of salt, seriously. Don’t quit, we love ya, just have a few assclowns.

That being said I think parody threads are fucking hilarious.

Oh thats directed towards a cry baby with a k20 eg not you

That’s for Joey, not you.

Listen, I’m prepared to hug it out if you are.

Oh, you’re welcome :tongue
Have you seen the pile of shit that’s being pushed on me all the time? HAHA, i mean come on! Theres a goddamn sky scraper of it.
I just don’t let it get to me. I’ve met a bunch of ppl from here in person. There’s only so many I consider friends. They’re the ones I talk to when I’m out.
Oh and Tricia, dont worry about your plate. I catch flak from friends about mine pretty often. Just ignore it.


We have deal.

JClark is such a doll

Thats what we pay him for :smiley:

Strange, the drama queen is the one to smooth things over this time…

Wat? You didnt smooth over anything.

Punch her in the mouth

I don’t start drama, the only thing I’m guilty of is not being able to keep threads on topic.

Get her, seabass!

Yeaa Ima hit her with a salt shaker

then put breakfast on her tab???

I put my drinks on Jesse’s tab… I guess I deserve a salt shaker hit or two.

Damn straight. Sean’s going to salt shaker my money back outta you.

I got this
