Back Protector and/or Chest Protector On The Street - Anyone Do It?

thanks for the input.

I hear ya on not wearing boots, but I’ve crashed in a pair of hightop hiking boots, damn near twisted my foot right off. broke the laces and metal eyelets right off the boot!

I’ll ride in anything less than motorcycle specific boots again

I’ve been wearing a Forcefield for a few years.
I usually wear on any long rides, but going to/from work I don’t bother with it.
The daily recipe is gloves/jacket/thor boots/knee-shin pads and kevlar jeans for what they are worth. I probably should have got a Forcefield that I could stuff in the jacket, but the standalone I have covers more so it’s a fare trade off. Haven’t had a chance to test it yet (knock on wood) but the rest of the gear held up fine in minor getdowns. As far as comfort it depends on the individual, I don’t care about sweating for a few hours so I wear a hybrid leather jacket and a back protector, usually with a backpack to boot, but some people can’t take it. Protection-wise it’s a gamble, depends on what you are going to hit, how hard and which way. Certain someone we all know flew off the road going 100+ into a box-beam guardrail and got away with laceration on his leg. Hit that wrong and there would have been a clean up crew on the scene hosing down the tarmac. Luck of the draw, but more protection in my opinion outweights the discomfort.

I could post a link about a guy who lost his foot in a simple lowside because he was wearing regular shoes, but I’m sure people who don’t wear motoboots have seen plenty of those and made an informed decision. Amirite?

Nope, broken ankle flipping a quad on a trail riding in just work boots put a stop to my assumptions.

Alpinstar 50/50 boot I wore on the street. Just enough ankle protection to minimize roll side to side, and thick ass leather construction for grind-to-the-bone-resistance from your foot being smooshed between the bike and the pavement on a lowside. With riding jeans on (as in riding around then walking around say to LG or something) nobody would notice, they looked like bigger sneakers, and you could only see the lower 1/3 of the bottom buckle.

$150 irc, well worth it.

Never really broken any bones, but I did have enough sprains and scrapes riding skateboards and bicycles to vividly imagine what a higher speed getoff on a bike would be like.
Looks like we wear more or less the same thing, this is what the Thors look like;