Best Personal Times at AJ's Grand Prix.

tonight 9pm

i did a 25.6 last night. would of did a couple tenths faster but these 2 400lbs+ kids got in everybodys way and slowed us down.choko your times are pretty sick.

ugh i am sick of getting 23.7’s…fun times. my 3 best times are 23.733, 23.788, 23.799. My pattern sucks!

i need to get back there… but i dont need to drop 70 bucks at a time in the process…

im going in a little bit… do they take cc’s?

Yes they take CC.

Is low 24’s, breaking 23’s good to keep up?

ok, im on my way there now

buy the 5 pack for $75 then.

i went out last night, heat 84. pretty sure some of the guys from here were out there with us. well i got 1st with a time of 24.54. i got some battle scars, i hit someone pretty good who spun out, his cart got fucked up and then i got t-boned by my friend. my neck started bleeding from the seatbelt, so they gave me a free race. good time considering it was my first time out, came in first and i got 8th best time of the day and there was only 2 heats left after us. will def be going more often, it was muuuuuch better than lasertrons carts.

I went 24.0 after not being there in forever and that was in traffic. Its getting to the point tho where id rather buy a kart an go to batavia then drop 60 bucks a trip out there.

yeah i had some asshat in front of me that kept blocking me off, it was pissing me off. i could have gotten so much quicker, considering i weigh 160 lbs. and he was easily pushin 210, i found a good line, but i couldnt get around him and he kept bottlenecking with the guys in front of him.

thats why you have to move ppl out of the way lol i think i passed everyone on the track when i raced

LOL some kid wanted to fight me for doing that.

yeah, ill figure it out, i got whiplash when i hit/got hit. my adrenaline was skyhigh after that, my arms were shaking for about 3 hours after that. the seatbelt literally sliced my neck when i got hit, they were worried i was going to sue, i said i didnt even care, i got first place so it was all good. :rofl:

Yea i passed some one clean like dove in took the line away so he just smashed me in the next turn something like that i would have liked to punch him in the face for.

Is anybody down for going 730-8ish?

Articzap, IKSHO89, and myself will be there. Would be nice to get some others out there too.

EDIT: lol nice sig mindless

i would go but ill be at work tonight, i was def too hungover to go earlier. i might head out there tomorrow and get a few races in.

I’m hungover now:)
I might try to head there tomorrow as well depending on when reffing starts and ends.

I said I won’t be there. I texted u last night.