Not the best track but good enough apparently
Pass 1 - 11.017 @ 131.82
Pass 2 - 10.910 @ 132.08
Pass 3 - 10.678 @ 131.34
Pass 3 Break down
60’ - 1.694
330 - 4.598
1/8 - 6.952 @ 104.54
1000 - 8.970
1/4 - 10.678 @ 131.34
Car started to break up at the topend on the third run so if i can get that figured out plus a better 60’ 10.5s here i come.
Just not today because i got booted right after my last run o well come out swingin next year.
I’m so happy for you! Congrats man!
lol how much did you drop the 60 from first run to the 3rd :lol:
:tup: :tup:
First run was a 1.79 60ft track wasnt doing me any favors today.
Awesome times tho, got kicked out ? Cage for next year?
Yea ill be caging it just never got a chance to over the summer.
what point cage u plan on going with bill? just a basic cage, or a baller ass drag setup
Prob just going to do the 6 or 8 point. Was thinking about setting something up to work with a wheelie bar but not sure if im going to or not yet.
132 trap aint too shabby!
me and taylor(sitting nxt to me) give a big :tup:
I got some pics and vids I get up later. thanks for letting my keep my stuff with you bill.
For sure man any time. BTW thanks for letting me use ur jack(even though you wernt there) i couldnt get mine under the car lol.
great times bill. looks like the tune got you to your goal. It just too bad your car is still slower then mine.
You sum bitch!!!11!!!
Go find me a cage so i can go faster next weekend
god damn it…i can’t wait to go to the track now… need to get this bitch dialed in a bit…
awesome air for racing right now :tup: