BMW 1 Series tii

I love this car…

and this drawing…

To bad they did it on the ugly coupe. Hate the way it looks from the back of the doors to the rear. The mods are nice though.

Seems to be a BMW trait to have nicely thought out front ends and less than stellar rears…my biggest gripe is the headlight having so much detail, and the tail lights being so blah. It’s like they went front to back, and ran out of time.

meh, looks like a bulldog humped a STI. Something about it looks too weird, like it’s been squished.

I dont agree with that at all, the new M3 and M5 look fantastic from the rear. I wont deny the M6 is a bench though. But I dont like the way that car looks period.

if it’s like any of the other recent bmw designs… it’ll continue to grow on me until i think it looks nearly perfect.

I would push this ride in a heartbeat

i like the front end and interior

the side is ugly and the wheels dont tickle ma fancy

I think the tall greenhouse is supposed to be reminiscent of the 2002.

Very nice…is it boosted?

:tup: in my book, did i miss what the engine specs were??

In the first pic I can see a fmic?
prob. 335I motor



lol thats what i was thinking.

skeet skeet skeet

no hatchy no care

i like it.

and the only other bmws I really like are e30s

I think we definitely have different tastes in design:P My comment was speaking specifically about taillights and how the fronts look great while the rears looks bland.