Bye bye Mitsubishi..

I will be joining the family of TC’s finally. I bought one yesterday at West Herr Toyota. It’s white, it’s a 2007 and it will be coming in on a ferry, so they tell me, the 2-3rd week of July. yah!
Shitty i have to wait for it… but… i got myself a new kaa…

good job…hope the boat dont sink :slight_smile:

:tup: They are nice lookin cars, never ridden in one but still pretty cool.

:tup: getting a new car always > *

Sweet, they are def. nice looking. Good switch

Tc’s are great cars :slight_smile:

you’ll love it

gooood deal! kristen rockin’ the TC!

what color did you go with?


READ Skunk! I said WHITE! goood. :slight_smile:

The only only extra i got was that big spolier lol. It’s not really THAT bad but… my eclipse has one… and i’m used to looking at it in my mirrors.

lol…something is wrong with me today. I read it…and missed it… then as i was writing my response before…i double checked again to see if you wrote what color and missed it yet again.

i need a nap…

i thought u were buying a mustang?




NOT that i don’t like them (mike’s, ken’s) but… not me :wink:

now that is the correct response to the question. everybody take notes.

nice choice on the tc. :tup:

haaaa RICER…actually a guy that works in my building has the big spoiler its not bad at all


word…i actually kinda like that spoiler they have on it.

Skunk, if your lucky- I’ll let you pose and take pics on my car.

YES!!!..i’m not gonna lie… i’m gonna look so uber sexy!..with my mesh tank top and my short shorts…YAYYYYYYYY

Wait - you bought an auto?
