Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

I’m afraid you’re actually going to have good :ahh

Wat. I dont speak Russmerican.

KDR of 0.90 with an accuracy of 19.78% i was sucking hard the first week… trying to rebuild the KDR to 1… i run and kill so if i get 20 kills i normally have 10 to 15 deaths… but hey i’d rather run around and have fun then sit in one spot and camp

Has anyone got into any ‘fast rooms’

I got dropped into a room once where there was some sort of lag that made everyone 5x faster, running, grenades, gunfire, the whole fucking game. insane. you’d just see a flash of human and a spray of bullets or a grenade in your face, shit was so cash, there was a dude with 38 kills that game and like 4 deaths.

*have to get good :ninja


Vlad may speak/type two languages better than me.

Are you reminding yourself, or correcting your previous statement? :lol

I most definitely will not, my good sir.

My normal kill streak per game is 20-30 with 5 or less deaths. No camping here.

My specialty is Free for All, so naturally you will be playing defensively, and may have to chill in one spot for a minute but you can’t for to long or people remember and come back to get ya.

So your KTD is 6 to 1?


For som reason I thought that was posted by K20 :lol

my current ktd is 1.8 with 29% accuracy.

My ktd dropped significantly after I started to go after titles.

I doubt I’ll get back to 2.0 since I need about 1000 more kills without deaths to get to it :rofl

Do I really have to delete all the game data to start over without prestige’ing?


I’ve been asking the same question for 3 pages, figured I’d try different wording.

I want to start over without Prestige’ing. Pretty much I want to unfairly pwn noobs. Making a new gamertag means another XBL account (which is stupid), so that’s out. Whats the best way to do this here…

Please tell me the reason for this…

Supposedly the game puts higher levels and prestiged people together in matches if possible.

I’m trying to cheat.


So that I can pwn noobs and get a KDR higher than Vlad’s. Because doing it on mine now will take years.

GL with that. You just need to camp with a sniper rifle.

I dont think it’s possible, you would have to make a new gamertag I think.