Close or keep open "Post a Hottie THRD"?

NECC brand was taken off the same day I posted this pole. So there is no brand associated to it.

So what your saying is if you drive down Stony plain road with your wife or kids in the car and you see a Source Adult video does that mean that the store should move or put a big black curtain over it?. Look were all adults here if you choose to look at the thrd, then fine if you don’t fine. But Children will find Porn on the net no matter how good your parental blocks are. They share inappropriate for children material on sites as simple a Naruto (just one small example) and I find their language and violence is far worse than most car sites. And frankly were guys and our girls know we look at this stuff regardless of what we say. My woman knows I have started and contributed to this thrd.

I appreciate the feed back, at the end of the day its your choice to click on it or not. However, I will keep the Soft core porn off as I do agree with you and others on that portion of it.