Model pics of DMCC

im in a rush but here is a pic of the models at DNCC ill post more later…

on my way to the X for the air show…

just one?! add more! lol

3 girls and no boobies…

for shame…

way to front likewe are gunna have eye sex with the screen untill i open this and find that its only one pic…

haha i got more… ill add them later.

forgot to mention the one on the left looks like she has a wad of chewing tobacco in her mouth looking for a spittoon

getting models is a tough thing to do
let us get a bit more coverage and we’ll see where things go from there.

not if your from TNC. do you know how many people here have hookups for models? blade, zep, mikey. just to name a few.


haha thanx damn typos

where are THESE PICS you’re talkin about adding RICK!

rating it out of 10…i’m gonna give it a…nah im goin to bed lolz

im to lazy man.

hahah u greedy mofo! u wanna enjoy them all to yourself on your comp huh


lol rick, the lady’s got a point, that pic you posted up was kinda lame but she redeemed it for you by posting up 7 better ones lolz

AHAHAHAH Miss Jay T got point and she proved it!


meh bo hoo im lazy i hate posting pictures to much time haha… keep posting guys.

and JayT keep talkign and ur gonna end up like this model !!

she did a good job cleaning my car tho hahahaha
i told her not to touch it!! but did she listen nooooooo!!

the one with the nsx is fabulous


^you look like a very naughty teacher…:H

Edit: Great legs:D