Model pics of DMCC


JayT you love getting eye raped by the guys on TNC dont you??? :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha. just showin em how it’s done! u want a hot girl, u need a hot girl standing in front of it LOL

whenever jayt posts anything im just gonna avoid it. all i end up doing is giving myself a huge headache. lol. if your at cscs there better be one pic of you with my car. hehehe.

thats for the guys who get none son

hit me up on MSN if your gonna reach cscs

edit: just a question to those who model and such.
don’t you find it annoying when people just gaze at you and look at you like your a piece of meat? stalk you and google over your pics and jerk their nuts? i never really understood how models put up with all the shit and “harassment” they get.

and no…i’m not gay. everyone knows i got a baby boy

hahahaha what’s more annoying is that I know models are asked this all the time. Seems like you’re trying an intro to a conversation bit. Do I smell pickup “line”
Sorry to blow this open.

Anyway, any more Model pics at DMCC? Sorry JayT, open a hot new thread, just for you for the spotlight. You got two threads under wraps right now. You’ll get more publicity with your name in the thread line

hahaha pickup line
i was lame like that back in '99

but neways no, i have an awesome gf and a son that i both love. when you have a kid, you look at things from a different perspective. what made me wonder is cause i always was worried if i had a baby girl, guys later on would check her out and id stress my balls out about what she would wear and such.

and this boys…is the mindset of a father

Unfortunately the answer is yes. Guys will check out your girl all the time.
Just think, how did you look at girls? How did you talk about girls to your friends? That’s exactly what’s gonna happen times a million.

So guys. I didn’t get to make it to this event, so I was kind of hoping you guys would come through with some pics. This thread is so dry right now. DMCC MODEL PICS
Vlad, you always come through. Where’s the cam?

^^ huh? i wasn’t asking a question if guys check out girls…

read what i wrote again

baby girl = daughter

i was giving a reason why i started wondering why girls model and such…when i wasn’t sure if i was expecting a son or daughter…

anyways…back on topic…to whatever it was