It's Dead...

Wow what the fuck was that about.

Regardless of who gsx is or what he knows or what he drives, I commented on his cold statement. Maybe it was in jest towards Andy? Maybe not, who knows.

However maybe you should recognize that in all of the other 300zx thread / discussions on this board, I always said that it was a 100-% better idea to sell the N/A and save money and apply it towards just buying a new TT… same thing you said :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t hate andy, nor do i really care for his online persona… I’ve only met him a handful of times in person. However regardless of that I would never wish his problems on anyone, or even my worst enemy. I’ve known way too many people that have had problems with swaps of all kinds, and when someone is down and out of their money, the last thing they need is a bunch of people pointing thier finger and saying ‘i told you so’. …I even know your story… so I’m sure you can attest to that feeling of being out of the game for over a year