It's Dead...

the plan is not to sell if i can make it reliable…but if i can’t, i do know there will be a huge loss involved…i’m boderline in my plans, every morning i wake up feeling different in regards to whether or not i wanna sell it…some days i want it gone forever, and others i wanna make it work and keep it for 10 years…but regardless which path i do end up taking…i know what lies ahead for the most part…whether it be a huge loss, or constand problems…or the chance of reliability and a damn good time…

Lol…well i can tell you from experience that reliability wont happen and a damn good time depends on what its worth for you monetarily to go out and drive around on nice days because as a daily driver the reliablity is decreased severly

Wow what the fuck was that about.

Regardless of who gsx is or what he knows or what he drives, I commented on his cold statement. Maybe it was in jest towards Andy? Maybe not, who knows.

However maybe you should recognize that in all of the other 300zx thread / discussions on this board, I always said that it was a 100-% better idea to sell the N/A and save money and apply it towards just buying a new TT… same thing you said :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t hate andy, nor do i really care for his online persona… I’ve only met him a handful of times in person. However regardless of that I would never wish his problems on anyone, or even my worst enemy. I’ve known way too many people that have had problems with swaps of all kinds, and when someone is down and out of their money, the last thing they need is a bunch of people pointing thier finger and saying ‘i told you so’. …I even know your story… so I’m sure you can attest to that feeling of being out of the game for over a year

that screams HG. but it should still run… at least fire up. even if you pull a plug, the motor should still run, albeit rather shittily.

I’ll say prolly fuel or spark also.


not exactly sure…however many miles it it from newmans to kenmore, then back to newmans, then to cheektowaga, then to mighty, then down sheridan to transit, then down transit to como, then down como to union and home, then to work this morning…

i’d say 100+/- miles???

are you out of gas?

put $30 in it last night, shows still has almost a half tank…unless the guage was broken and i was only getting 10mpg while staying out of boost 99% of the time…

have You checked the fuel pump relay? have You pulled the filter and if so, can You blow thru it?

just read that going over 3500rpm would cause an na pump to go on a tt motor…which could explain my problem, BUT…how come it ran so smoothe last night and all this morning on the way to work, then just didnt start back up? if the fuel pump was going to die, it would have done so while driving, and caused a problem while driving…it doesnt just die when not even in use…


nope i haven’t checked everything, but i wanna cover every angle possible, ask every question possible, and get as many opinions as possible from people that know what they’re talking about before i go check it out tonight…i’ll probably even end up printing up this thread and taking it with me so i dont forget anything that was suggested…

good idea.

I like getting suggestions online then drawing up a blank when i get to my car… worst feeling ever

That sucks man…is your battery dead??? Maybe the fuel pump shorted out and drained the battery. Does the car turn over at all??? Doesn’t make sense that the car just stopped running after sitting for a couple of hours.

battery is brand new, along with every other maintenance item you can name (fuel filter, oil and oil filter, spark plugs, all belts including timing belt, engine harness, power transistor unit to the ignitor chip, adaptor to make the newer stype ptu work with the harness, water pump, most/all vacuum hosing)…i’m fairly positive its the fuel pump…but i still dont get why it would just shit while holding still parked and turned off…why not go on me while driving?

I think your out of gas. really though… did you notice if your gauge was working ?

yeah it was working, like i said…put $30 in last night, and it showed as full…and as the night went on it slowly went down like it should…and like i previously said, unless i was getting under 10mpg (since $30 gets you a bit over 8 gallons), while staying 99% of the time totally out of boost…there is no way its out of gas

$30 doesnt get the gas it use to.

I hope you figure it out. Again double check anything with fuel and spark.

Do you hear the pump engage when you turn the key to Acc. position just before you start?

I once lost a pump while parked as well. Turned out to be a corroded electrical connection that just finally gave up while the truck was sitting there.

keep the ideas coming guys…i’m definitely printing this up and taking it with me so i dont forget anything tonight…and like previously posted…extra hands willing to get dirty on the broken jdm are more than welcome

fuel pumps are wierd Andy. …they can just die or slowly show signs of dying…get ut TT fuel pump put it in then go form there…but in the mean time double and tripple check all ur connections