TTZ Winter Resto/Repair/Build Thread: Updated 8/8/09 NEED A FAVOR!!

So…i’m FINALLY getting around to putting up my Z progress thread. For all the n00bz that don’t know, back in early June last year i blew my motor…yeah, that sucked. Like the other progressive build threads, i’ll try to keep it updated…

So, update #1 in the Z progress thread…as of Feb. 7th, 2009…no progress has been made. Actually, i haven’t touched it at all really…



This thread has no future until you pay me for the motor fggt.

Move to DIY section! lol

Get it done already!

terrible thread, would not read again

:rofl: goodluck with the repairs

What “blew” on your motor?

Nothing “blew” on the motor… just the owner :stuck_out_tongue:

Progress has been made, Andy asked me if I had a space heater… :lol:

Josh, your guess is as good as mine. I was driving, heard a boom and metal grinding on metal then it seized and the wheels locked and it never turned over again

Oh and Mike, stfu. For all you know we maybe just forgot about paying our gas bill and don’t wanna freeze at home. :snky:

glad you’re gonna fix it. :tup:

NYSpeed - New York’s only Statewide Automotive Forum > Automotive Forums > DIY subforum

Looking forward to seeing this car back on the road again.


I just want to reiterate that the motor going in this car has not been paid for in almost a year.

I cant believe you dont live in EA…bag.

We get it, and I appreciate your situation. It is now known, but in classic NYSpeed Fashion, debt callout threads go in OT.

Kyle reminds me of the airport plaza jewler lady.

With an arm and a leg?

Kyle, i dont see this fggt’s name in yer sig yet, WTF!

Because he <3’s me :slight_smile:

I want pics of the alleged lack of progress

Old gross crap corners:

New hot smoked ones:

Gross beat hack job NA bumper:

Hot OEM Nissan J-Spec Bumper:

Gross bubbling T-tops, with interior trim hanging on driver side one:

Hot new T-tops, with mint interior trim too:

And now…what you’ve ALL been waiting for!!!

Old, SUPER gross God-handle, shopping cart, park bench, ricer wing, with bondo cracking on the side:

NEW AND IMPROVED, stock, bondo-less, crack-less, and WINGLESS rear hatch: