TTZ Winter Resto/Repair/Build Thread: Updated 8/8/09 NEED A FAVOR!!

Kinda liked the wing on there.

Once i got the body related crap out of the way, i started to prepare for tearing the motor out…really not too many pictures of that since the progress can’t really be seen in pics…

  • Disconnected all the fuel related garbage…

  • Disconnected all wiring to all sensors, coil packs, injectors, etc…

  • Tore out all vacuum lines…

  • Removed all upper intake piping…

  • Removed radiator and fan to make room to pull motor straight out…

  • Started to pull exhaust to expose/remove heat shield so i can get to the driveshaft, but the bolts holding the downpipes to the testpipes are so seized i had to stop, and allow them to soak in PB Blaster overnight…hopefully tomorrow they’ll be lose enough to break free, so i can get the driveshaft and then transmission off. Then the motor should just about pull right out.

Assuming the PB Blaster does it’s thing and i can get the rest of the exhaust off, the old motor should be out tomorrow or Monday…

It felt damn good working on it finally…i was dreading it for so long, but today once i got started, i remembered how much i love this car and how much i love working on it…though it sucks the circumstances under which i usually have to work on it, i always enjoy the challenge/learning experience…and am really looking forward to the next month or so of completing this project :tup:

Ya can’t really see it all in this picture, but my radiator was fucking GROSS…covered completely in shit…i really can’t believe it didn’t cause any cooling problems while the car ran:

And here’s the money shot, one last look before it comes out (this pic was taken before i tore all the wiring and other misc shit out/off…only things missing here are the bling bling hardpipes):


You have inspired me…well maybe not but progress is progress.

That poor car.

Dam that thing looks like a pain in the dick to your on. GL.

Andy, paint the A pillars and mirrors black.

I’ll be going with the stock '90-'93 flushmount wing…i don’t like the wingless look…

Here’s a pic from the site:

Looks like a older eclipse wing.

I’m seriously considering it…i was gonna just do a full paint job all red…but now seeing the potential for 2-tone…i’m kinda liking it…the A pillars, mirrors, and the little strips of red on top (just in front of and behind the t-tops) black would look good i think…ugh but i’m so torn…

that new bumper looks good

Dont do it…the lines on the car are too goofy for that…people that have 2 toned the top paint from the door window line across…and meh

I would recommend you keep a clean, smooth, sex/business look.
Second 2turboZ’s comment. Instead of messing around with 2 tone crap you should change the color to something bold and fresh. You can keep it red but update the color to something hot that pops. New shade/formula. The stock red on that year does nothing for the car.

Oh and just in case anybody was going to ask…no, i’m not JUST fixing it…not JUST doing minor body/paint related repairs. If everything goes right, it should be a BLAST to drive this summer :wink: , and hopefully for future summers to come :tup:

That’s what i’m probably going to do…just a deeper, darker red than it has now…but just seeing the potential with the black top, i’m curious that’s all…but i’m not going to let curiosity convince me to waste money going 2-tone when i know i’d still prefer solid red in the end…so no worries Jack/Kyle.

Andy, I’m proud of you. This should be one of the nicer Z’s in the area once done, and I’m going to stay on top of you to make sure you get this car done! It’s so nice to see that wing gone…

That engine looks like its a bitch to work on. I always liked the 300zx they are such good looking cars especially for their time. Good work so far!

So you really don’t know? I’d laugh if you replaced this motor only to find out that your tranny is what broke :wink:

Let me know if you have an extra power steering pump mount after all this and I’ll throw you some money for it.

So after soaking in PB overnight, the DP to TP bolts still aren’t moving…

Tried linking wrenches together for more torque…tried linking a wrench to the end of the ratchet…even did what everybody will tell you not to do and tried using the hydraulic jack to life the ratchet and break a bolt free…no dice.

There’s not enough room for me to comfortably use a torch under there…nor do i even have one, so that’s outta the question.

Looks like i’m going to have to do what i really REALLY didn’t want to, and just remove the downpipes from the turbos…with the engine in the car, which is a huge pain in the dick (the bottom 2 bolts are easy, the top 2 require breaking your arm and using all kinds of extensions and swivels to get to).

I’ve removed the driver side one twice like this, and it’s not easy…but i know it’s do-able. The passenger one i’ve never done, but with the battery out and all the hoses disconnected i shouldn’t have too much trouble getting to the top 2 DP bolts from the top of the engine bay.

Also, i just spent over an hour driving between Home Depot, Hector’s Hardware, Harbor Freight, and finally at Value i was able to find a metric bolt long enough to go through the tubes in the engine stand…and even then, the longest bolts i could find only gave me about a half inch of thread to work with…and that makes me nervous.

Then i come home only to find that my dad can just make the bolts for me, and has plenty of hardened steel laying around at his shop he can cut them from :ohyeah: . So tomorrow he’ll be making them for me, giving me the 3/4 inch of thread i’d feel more comfortable with, and tomorrow night the rest of the stuff comes off/out that needs to before i can pull the motor and see what really happened that sad, sad day last spring/summer to make it go boom. Hopefully i’ll have some nice carnage pics to post :carnut

I had simlar problems lookin for bolts to hole my motor on my engine stand last winter. the only place i found them for me was Value and they only had my size in pricey grade 8s :tdown:

yeah that’s what i had to get, but i’ll just be returning them tomorrow since i now know my dad can make any bolts for me, any thread, any length, out of any grade steel :tup:

So uhh, did you check to see if the trans or diff were fucked and not the engine?