Fat ugly slut for sale looses her fucking mind

soo, if you’ve read fat ugly slut for sale 1 and 2 you should know who the crazy bitch is. I told her enough is enough and really meant it this time, havent answered her calls, texts or emails. Im at the gym and this bitch is taking pictures of my buddies car who went to the gym with me which is parked outside my house… I guess she figures im at the gym so she proceeds to go there… Planet fitness cameras are in plain sight and this bitch proceeds to key the FUUCCKKKK out of my $15,000 bmw. Not only is it way through the clearcoat but its on 4 panels of the car. Rear panel, rear door, front door and front panel. This bitch has not two pennys to rub togeather so I was forced as much as I HATE cops to call. Even though I legit think its gonna cost more than a G I told her I want a G by tommorow or im having her arrested. Any damage over $250 is a felony and considering she doesnt have cash for a lawyer she will be doing time.

Pretty sure shes legit ready to fuck for loot so you horny devils out there feel free, the cash is going to good cause lol.

haahah holy shit

GL with that!

OMG :rofl

she wont do time for keyin a car lolololol , how did she pay u for sex if she didnt have money ?

wow sux she keyed your car

that and remeber that whole carma thing lolol

well you can use the money she gave you from the last event to put towards the fix. arent you up like $400 or something close to that?

I would murder this bitch

no good

Pics or it didnt happen.

…I never said she’d do time… well, maybe to her I did because she doesnt know better but it IS a felony becuase of the extent of the damage and without the help of paid lawyer I think she def might do 30 days and a few yrs probation as well as restitution of course. I honestly dont wish jail upon her or anyone though so im pretty much using the scare tactic on her for her to ask her grandmother or other family member to give her the money to fix my damn car. I even told her I’d take her 50" lcd in as partial payment, she replied “im just going to take a bottle of pills so I dont have to pay”

And to answer your second question, some people loose there jobs and other people become broke on christmas after buying gifts which would lead to a lack of funds.

oh I will most certainly have pics, but not until tommorow.

Exceeding 250$ is Criminal Mischief 3*, Class E felony. first offense, plea bargain it to a misdemeanor offense, probably get a few years probation and have to pay restitution.

lucky for you the person isnt a minor, or you can only get 1500$ maximum under NYS’s wonderful laws protecting minors. i know this because my old car got pelted with gravel and it was 2200$ in damage, i receieved the max allowed for it. :retardclap

I really think her mind was lost a long time ago.

Your best bet is probably to let insurance cover it and sue her in a civil suit for the deductible.

hahahahaha that’s fucking gay

sorry for all the ha’s, but that’s hilariously fucked up.

I really wish I’d like stolen and crashed a ferrari from a dealer when i was 15.


Mk4 is on the ball, damn.


insurance cant cover it unless i dont know who it was or if she was arrested… I cant lie and say I dont know who it was becuase a police report with her confession was already taken and even though Im close to wishing death on her, I never would wish jail on anyone.

wow thats fucked lmao! she has to be the dumbest girl ever

pee in her butt