From crap brown interior to THIS. (My summer project completed) 56k NO~

there are LED’s that you can buy that spread light more evenly and wont give you those concentrated spots on the cluster.

i’ve seen Tyrone’s cluster looks pretty good. I just dyed mine not as bright but less hot spots. Probably gonna led the cluster soon enough.

I think its about time we got post your recent interior pics thread? Call me rice, but i always love having a nice clean looking interior. Don’t know about you guys.

I love having a nice clean interior too. Nice and clean doesnt always mean led’s behind the dash and custom upholestry done.

Yeah, they’re called Wide-Angle LEDs for anyone wondering. The lights in my cluster are wide angle. hence why I don’t have any hot spots on my cluster.

Those are awesome pictures, I wonder how long it takes to replace those LEDs at the back of the guages.

hey what method did you use to have the needles light up blue?

did you find led’s or colored bulbs for the smaller bulb sizes in the cluster? or did you paint the needles? or something else?

(theres two sizes right? 3x 194 and then a bunch of those small fuckers?)

they’re called IntelliGlow Needle Kits and you can get them off of

ya the bulbs i got arnt wide beam bulbs, soo they suck lol

it doesnt take to long, probably a hour or 2. theres a write up on nico

but some can pull it off nicely =D
although I personally like stockish except for some cool gauges and steering wheel


HAHAHA Man that made me laugh,

Ya dude the seats are very nice, but the LED? your not a civic are you? lol if so there are lots of club civics. Good money could have been spent in your suspension or a nice set of rims :smiley:

you could find LEDs for $1 each. (way cheaper than gas!) its possibly the cheapest thing you can get for a car!

i like to look a bit different, and my blue leds match my cd deck lights

Its good to be different, as long as you do it nicely, not ricey. Like Enzo’s car! thats the best 240sx that i have ever seen to have custom headlights, tailights, and dashboard.

LED’s in general are gay…

The only cool LED’s are on the R8 and the S5.


FX 35/45
QX 56

Int. looks hot man… great work… not a fan of the blue carpet tho and the new black inserts in the doors are fantastic

thanks. I re-did the glove box and centre to match them since and it looks even better. :slight_smile:

As I said.

Only on the R8 and S5.

can you please share on this Mod i like this mod alot out of all

Its about taking out the bulbs and inserting led’s into the bulb sockets.