fs: 532nm <5mw classIIIb green laser

as in UB south campus area on main st?


what time? i have boxing tonite then i can shoot over there, itd be around 745 or so, maybe meet at that one gas station across from mollys/steer? thats the only area of that part of main i really know

or if u can meet at mighty on sheridan/blvd, which is kinda close

i dont have a car. so unless i can get a friend to bring me over to mighty ill be stuck on campus off main. you can got to it off sheridan too. its the street right across from dent tower. ill be ther till prolly 11 or 12

EDIT :damn theres all kinds of people viewing this thread lol

wow i thought 32 Different people looked at this thread…use a phone lol

i PMed u, but whats ur paypal, ill just paypal u now then pick it up later

Ill still take it if for some reason micah doesnt want it or the deal falls through.

sorry buddy this bish is SOLD

WORD thx man, i bought batteries right after i saw ya

i drove my cat fuckin crazy last nite , and i was shootin it out the attic of my house, it goes sooooo far at nite

def gonna do some crazy pix with it too

i bought

Just a heads up to anyone that may run accross this thread. I am a relatively experienced laser hobbiest, and I offer the following warning:

BE VERY CAREFUL when dealing with eBay laser modules and pointers that are 532nm, especially those made by Spymodex and NewWish. 532nm (Green) Lasers are what is called DPSSFD type lasers- they are Diode Pumped Solid State Frequency Doubled lasers. They use a high-power infrared diode to pump a Vandate crystal at 808nm that lases at 1064nm, which then feeds a secondary crystal called KTP that frequency doubles 1064 (infrared) into 532nm (green). In effect, it is really 3 lasers inside of a Green pointer assembly.

The problem with these eBay pointers is that a VERY important safety mechanism is often left out to cut costs or to improve burning ability/gross output- it is called an infrared filter (IR Filter). In a DPSS type laser, the crystal set is only about 20-30% efficient at best. The leftover IR spills out of the aperature, and CAN damage your eyesight, even though you cant see it. The “High-Power” pointers on eBay are often very little green, and a lot of infrared. Sure, they can burn things up close- but they will take your eyesight while they are at it! A 100mW eBay pointer may only put out 20mW of green light, while outputting 80mW of infrared- which even safety goggles for green will not protect you from. Infrared also reflects off some things you wouldnt expect; making it the unpredictable, invisible eye killer. There are only a few companies I would trust buying high-powered handhelds from, and expect to pay $500+ for anything over 100mW in a Green pointer.

Just remember- these are NOT toys. NEVER use a “pointer” over 5mW for pointing at anything where there are unprotected eyes in the area! 15mw is all it takes to damage your vision from a direct hit- before you can even blink. Some of the very powerful “pointers” at 125-150 mW can damage your eyesight in 1/1250th of a second… before your brain even registers it saw light- even from a reflection! Not to mention, even a refraction off a light colored surface from a close distance can cause eye damage when dealing with these “monsters” of the hand-held laser world.

I have had quite a few of these types of lasers, among others- and their power still leaves me weary of even letting some people see them- let alone touch them. All it takes is ONE stupid move, and someone is fucked for life. The fact that they look JUST like ordinary 1-5mW pointers is the scariest part- if anyone finds them by accident, there could be hell to pay.

The pointer being sold here does appear to be a NewWish, but it SHOULD still be safe as long as it is only outputting <5mW. I figure even without an IR filter, it should still be less than 8mW total…Just try to avoid getting a direct hit at all costs, especially close up.

Pictures below are a TRUE 125mW 532nm (green) and a 150mW 650nm(red). Sorry for the bad pic quality… dark room+long exposure+shaking hand=bad…

A friend of mine built a green laser with parts that ended up being what he figured was 400mw. Hes an electrical genious and built a IR filter into it somehow. It would burn through black cloth with ease. And cause any dark surface to smoke within a few seconds.

it did have an IR filter. i dunno if i mentioned it or not. and somone hit my rearview mirror with one last night, bastards.