so my new laser came in

and it fucking rules, i can hit stopsigns 50-60 house away in sunlight without a prob. its so rad. i need to upgrade to visible beam in daylight tho…

pics or ban!

night pics plz.

edit i can hit sop signs all the way down my street.

How much, and what exactly are you doing to do with it?


too much for a laser. shine it at stop signs all the way down the street. lol same stuff kids did when the little red dot ones were popular. shine it on things lol. this one is not legal in the states right now so i had to order it through great brittain and have it shipped throught china as cell phone accessories.

Ha… well, have fun with it.

Don’t shine it on any planes.

you are a huge laser nerd

THat’s pretty sweet, pics or ban.

Here I thought it was a plymouth laser… Silly me and my assumptions about a car forum. :wink:

the crank can hit 50-60 houses down from a lazer … hahah

Green laser I’m assuming?

At least we’ll know who to look at if any planes crash in the area… hey wait… were you playing around with it around the railroad tracks the last few nights???

want to come play with youre “laser” at my house im in the direct path of airport flight patterns.

will this one start matches and pop balloons?

no. this one is only 5mW the 125 Mw will. im ordering that one next. i cant get pics of it my camera is too gay.

probably not a good idea, hey but who am i to say

this is a car forum ?