police laser jammers.

Driving out to wisconsin this past weekend, Round trip I encountered 15 police speed traps each one using laser. So it really got me thinking about laser jammers. I already have a V1 so if a cop is using radar i’m set. But seeing as how when you get hit with laser you have about a 1 second margin to get on the brakes if you are speeding.

I was wondering if anyone on here has some sort of laser jammer or is using laser veil. If so, how do you like it, I’ve watched numerous video online and they seem to work pretty good. But they are quite pricy.

It is a dumb idea. Radar guns work flawlessly these days.If you jam the radar I would be certain you are getting pulled over.So what if he does not have the ability to use his gun. He is trained to detect speed and can still give you a ticket. The gun is just there to double check.A good jammer is pricey and not worth the risk imo.

Edit ^^ you must type faster than me or somehting

My feeling has always been that with a radar detector you see them before they see you. With a laser jammer, they can see you and know that you are jamming the laser. If i was a cop i would pull you over simply because you were jamming the signal and say “I am trained to visually estimate the speed of a vehicle” “You were going XX over the limit” Heres you ticket.

You are more grammatically correct.

There is a difference between radar and laser jammers. Radar jammers are illegal (these work against radar guns) and have been proven to not work.

Laser jammers are pretty effective (and are legal because the FCC cannot regular light waves). Police cannot pull you over for jamming a laser signal. But, of course, always take into account that they will probably find something else wrong with your vehicle (tint, exhaust, whatever).

Good laser jammers CAN be pretty pricey… but if you’re seriously interested, give me a PM. I can probably get you a decent discount depending on the model.

here is a video of one in work.

I’m talking laser jammer not radar jammer.

And, a cop cannot estimate your speed in the dark.

And, the gun does not show that it is being jammed. It just shows a error…and that could be from ANYTHING. By that time you will be slowed, and the officer will just brush it off as a malfunction

How much are those roughly?

I still see a lot of problems with laser jamming. In that video, what about the rear of the car?

Secondly police probably COULD pull you over for jamming laser, isnt there something about interfering with the officers duties? (assuming he pulls you over and can verify you’re jamming)

Thirdly, cops can estimate your speed at night, at least on the highways. See all those little light reflectors mounted on poles? Those are spaced at regular intervals, pretty easy to count it out and estimate your speed.

A police officer is trained to detect speed within 10mph. He can still give you a ticket within those guidelines. Those little green poles are 10th mile poles which can hekp judge speed. As for radar detectors they mess up all the time, they’re def not flawless, trust me :wink:

Yes but will that hold in court if you fight it?

I would still take the imprudent over the 30mph over.

So if an officer is sitting in the median and you are 1/4 away, with your highbeams on the officer can still ACCURATELY estimate your speed? Yeah, right.

Also, there is NO law that says you cannot jam laser. Radar is a different story. And an officer will have no proof that you did infact jam his laser.

The laser jammers range from 300-1000 dollars and most come with front and REAR protection. This coupled with a good radar detector should pretty much protect you from any future speeding tickets.

Yes it will, but it could potentially work more in your favor without an exacting number.

Sorry, I forgot to clarify that there ARE a few states that have outlawed laser jammers because they do interfere with police duties. These are Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, California, Oklahoma, Virginia, Colorado, Illinois and Washington DC.

And you’re talking at least 500+ for a good laser jammer.

The only thing that makes me speculative about that video is they were focusing on the liscense plate, and the “test car” conveniently didn’t have a liscense plate…

Yes. It’s also +/-5mph(in NY) which means if he judges you at 75, you get a 70 mph ticket.

The law of commense sense does. If you are speeding, and jamming, he will know… you won’t get an “estimated speed”, you’ll get a wreckless driving and a story worthy of some whiney bitch post on NYSpeed.

i lol’d

I have no experience with an “involved” ticket contestment, but all common sense and understanding of the law, says to me that, if you have a lawyer, you could have no problem with getting out of an imprident speeding ticket, or at least have it reduced to parking.

Think about it, the burden of proof is on the state, if this applies to thigs such as traffic violations, then there is no justice in a cop being able to say, " Yup, I saw him speeding alright!"

I have no idea if this is the case and it may be wrong, but that just makes sense in my head.

You know what’s funny, trying to watch people argue against that point while waiting for your turn in court. :slight_smile:

Granted a lawyer shouldn’t have an issue.

^ Its a good time.