Spot the speed trap game

Kind of dumb but I got 15 of 19

13 for me

16/19 only because I had no idea what i was looking for on the first three

So? if you are speeding. This van does waht? Takes your picture?? It seems that anyone with a radar detector could pick these things out miles away.

Is that link a map of Tonawanda?

You would think, but not when the sneaky bastards are using instant on laser out of the vans. This is the case in Charlotte.

Yes laser is fucking gay. I’ve been caught a few times by it. I am thinking of buying laser blocker(not radar) they are legal and are legit.
During nice days cops use laser a lot around WNY on the 219. and the 90.
But they also use instant on ka band radar as well. My V1 picks that up from far away.

How so, last I heard any type of device that would be used to “jam” or interfere with that was considered illegal.

Not to mention it would set-off every laser detector within line of sight.

yeah, I got 10 I suck.


18 out of 19.

Probably because I’m familiar with UK speed trap tactics.

laser jammers are legal, radar jammers are illegal cuse of goverment regulations (they dont want anyone fucking with airport radar and shit).

lets see, if the military spends thousands of dollars on radar jamming do you really think you can get anything that works for 50$. NO!

I have done research on “laser jammers” they are $500+ and they are some sort of a transmitter or something that mounts in your grill. It sends a “error” message back to the laser gun. I have seen a video of how this works. it is not some scam like on the radio.
And it is fully legal as lasers are regulated by the FDA (food/drug adm)
where as radar jammers are HIGHLY illegal.

and the cop would still pull you over and be pissed you have a laser jammer. Dont forget cops are trained to tell speed by sight. So even if you jam it the cop knows whats up and dicks you over harder for trying to beat the system.