questions about radar detectors

what kind do you use? and how happy are you with it/how effective has it been. i’m looking at the v1, but with searching ive found that people say they have alot of false alarms. is this true? also can it be hardwired into the car? i use my cig/aux output for my phone charger. thanks.

i sold my v1 since im selling the car, but ive enjoyed it a lot when i had it for those few years… didnt get many false alarms and it was very effective. mine was hardwired into the car with no problems.

i actually have the whole setup still in the car now so all that would have to be done is just plugging the v1 in.

I’m also a V1 disciple. No real issues with false alarms, plus you’ve got the directional arrows which are worth their weight in gold. Both of my cars are hardwired. Takes no more than 10 minutes to do that.

V1 all day

V1…the arrows are great. Don’t have to scan a full 360 when something is detected. Very helpful when underway. X band gives the most false alarms. Automatic door openers hit this and some K band (Home Depot). I generally tune it out. You can actually disable X band detection. I don’t think any NY cops use X band radar anymore…but some out of states agencies do. NJ and IN for example.
Yes, you can hardwire it.

I’ve had a V1 and an Escort 8500 X50. Realistically, don’t waste your money on anything else. Comparing them side by side, they’re just about exactly equal in detection, but the V1 has arrows and the X50 doesn’t. X50 is cheaper, so decide what’s morei mportant to you. Either one is highly recommended.

I got a cobra one I have had since 2005 when the Canadian cops took my last one. it works great and was less than $100.

Same thing with the false alarms. Door openers come in as X band and very few lights and sensors use K. Ka is the big one I am tuned for the noise and also has auto silence on it so sitting under a light quiets the alert and doesn’t drive you nuts.

Nothing saves you from a cop turning his radar on and off tho. :frowning:

I have an old 8500 that I do not even bother to use anymore.
It had signal trenght that was helpful in getting to know the local doors etc…

It has saved me a few big tickets, and also let me know when I was positively busted.

Now I just speed with blockers :slight_smile:

Yes it does. V1 or X50 will save you, because you will detect it from a mile away, when he hit the other guy.

x50 user here i love the thing. only bought it over the V1 is bc i picked it up for $150. the blue one thats 350 on the website. you can go on ebay and get a factory referb Red for 150 shipped. if you dont have the coin to spend 400 on a v1. like everyone else says same thing except the V1 has arrows, and if your cheap like me u can use any phone cord to hardwire it.

yea i have a x50 right now and i get a decent amount of false alarms. Idk i wish i could borrow someones v1 to compair but it also is very good with state troopers i deff pick them up about miles down the road and it has saved my ass big time. Idk i think the x50 is more of like a highway radar and the v1 is nice for the little areas, towns , citys. my .02

V1 rear detection far > Escort

otherwise, yeah their frontal detection is near equal.

u can customize v1’s sensitivity if u really want to, v1 tells u how on their site (get rid of X band, make K/Ka more sensitive)…which is nice.

Arrows ftw

if ur the front car in a pack of traffic, or the only car on the road, and ur doing 90 in a 65, then that’s ur own fault haha.

cops also love to instant-on as ur cresting a hill, esp at night when they can see ur headlights and they can time it just right.

my guide to speeding: speed from pack to pack, never speed alone.

Cops down here use laser 100% of the time.

Im an x50 humper… have had it for years and never had a problem. What Joe said was right about not wasting your money on anything else with an exception to the Passport 9500i.

Im not sure how radar detectors works exactly in regards to interference, but once I ended up with my friends v1 and my x50 in the same car with 2 outlets to use so we did a side by side comparison…

The x50 actually had a little better frontal detection but the v1 did seem to be a little better from the rear (this is sounding sexual now).

At the end of the day though, Blue x50 ftw!

V1 for me… I’ve never received a speeding ticket while the V1 was in my car.

wow really? that sucks!

NY still using K and Ka haha. I think i’ve run into laser like twice in the past 5 years

i posted this a while ago, no replies lol

I’ll throw another vote in for a V1. Just note that having a radar detector isn’t a free license to speed because you WILL get caught if you speed excessively. Even though I had a V1 hooked up, I still got tagged with laser in MA (70 in 55). $175 I’ll never get back. It paid for itself more than ten fold since I was able to slow down enough when it did indeed pick up a Ka on many occasions.

thanks for the resposes, im typically around 10mph over the limit, although on the highway i tend to move pretty good and i dont even realize it in the car. ive decided to go with a v1, and i found a diy on how to hook it up in the car so its hardwired with no wires hanging or anything.:slight_smile: