Radar Detectors

I know there is atleast one other thread on here referencing radar detectors, but it seems like that thread turned into a V1 vs x5800 or whatever discussion. I have a somewhat more specific question for you guys who know a thing or two about detectors. I want to buy a radar detector and I want to know which one you guys would choose if you were picking from this list. I’m not looking to spend more than $150, preferably less. All I really need is something that is quick to detect radar and will notify me accordingly. I rarely ever speed, but the Z is such a police magnet that I would enjoy peace of mind of atleast knowing when they’re shooting radar.

Also, I wondering what kind of penalty I can expect if I’m pulled over and ticketed for having a radar detector? I plan on custom mounting/hardwiring it so that it sits up by the rear view mirror and isn’t nearly as noticeable.

Radars ARE legal in every part of the US besides VA and DC, so you should be good as far as tickets for the detector go.

I’ve got the Escort 8500 X50 red and it’s never let me down. I’ve picked up guns on the highway from literally 1+ mile away, thing is great. It goes off a lot at intersections, especially 115/Western, but I’m pretty sure all radars do this.

As far as I know, it goes #1 Escort 9500i (almost exactly the same as the 8500 X50 except it’s got GPS to remember false alerts), #2 Valentine One, #3 8500 X50.

I really don’t think you can get a really good one that’s worth your investment for any cheaper than $275 new, I got my 8500 X50 off a friend used for $190, it goes new for $320, I think.

Radar. Detectors. ARE NOT. Illegal.

They frown upon their use but they can’t site you for anything about the detector except blocking your field of vision.

And basically any detector you buy for under $250 (considering the x8500 or w/e) isn’t going to do shit, the range they have is simply not enough to give a proper warning, sure they’ll tell you radar is there, but by the time your detector informs you of the radar the cop will already have the evidence needed to cite you in most actual speed traps. That’s just how it is.

The V1 is simply the best detector money can buy right now IMO. Arrows>anything.

I could have swore I saw a list online that showed which states they were illegal in and NYS was on that list.

V1 > all

Ok, just had to say that ;D

Why couldn’t you just say they ARE legal :confused :rofl

They are legal, but when you get pulled over and the cop notices a radar detector, you’re more than likely going to get hassled with whatever they pulled you over for, in other words…they won’t give you a break.

Most radar detectors are junk IMO, i.e the Cobra brand.

If you’re going to get a radar i’d suggest a Valentine One or a Passport 9500. I couldn’t be happier with my V1, i pick up Ka band WAYY before i pass most cops shooting radar. I.E getting off exit 2 going to the lot i pick up Ka band right off the exit, didn’t pass the cop until i got to McDonald’s.

But if you’re not looking to spend more than $150, i have a Passport Escort 6800 i’ll sell you for $60…works perfect, got a Valentine One so i don’t use it anymore.

I might take you up on that, can you pm me some pics if you have them?

I totally disagree. i have the passport 8500 and the V1. They go back and forth between which picks up k and ka first. I love the V1 sipmly because the arrows sure. but regardless of where the cop is. odds are i am going to slow down. When i was using my V1 and Nick (AMDISTHEBEST) had his escort and we were cruising down central side by side. he picked it up well before my V1 did.

Correct, the cheaper radar will gave you a false sense of security. And don’t expect a warning if you get pulled over with a visible detector, it automatically tells the officer that you usually speed, and it’s not just a one-time thing.

Online sources are not always correct, they are 100% legal, but as I just said, don’t expect a warning when you have one.

Thank you for doing a preliminary search for the topic as well :thumb

If I were you I would either not get one at all and avoid false sense of security and spending money on something that won’t give much benefit, or save up and buy 8500/9500 or V1.

I used to have a cheaper detector, and while it was somewhat convenient to know that an officer was shooting radar, it never gave enough time to do anything about it. I have had more tickets with it then without it. Now I’m driving around with the Valentine and it has not done me wrong once. Just returned from the city and the round trip saw ~12 high way officers using laser/radar.

However to play the devils advocate, the new cheaper detectors did major improvements and are decent for what they are and do offer some protection. Obviously not as much as high-end detectors, but detection level wise are still better then nothing. There is always going to be a bigger and better product out there and most of us cannot afford the high level items so we stick with mid grade.

E189769 Cobra XRS9940 12-Band Radar/Laser Detector w/1" Diag. Display QVC Price: $154.96

thats the one i’d go with from that list.

I’d have to agree with that, I have had a friend who has a low mounted escort detector, while I was next to him with my high mounted V1, I got a KA signal and I flashed my breaks for him to let him know to slow down. When we came to a stop later on he told me got the KA signal well before I hit my brakes. So you just never know.

I’ve been in the same situation before, it’s really a toss up as to which detector picks it up first, but I think the V1 hates other detectors honestly, I’ve been on drives with Pete (germanmusclecars) where we’ve gone by cops/even speed ‘signs’ and my V1 never made a peep, but his beltronics was flipping the hell out. Idk if it’s just mine or what, when I’ve been alone or if another detector isn’t immediately behind/in front/to the side of me I’ve picked up radar more than 2 miles from an actual cop.

The V1 definately does not like other radar detectors, the “junk” feature that the V1 has that detects Ka band and then flashes “J” for junk kind of pisses me off. Also when me and Benny were on the n-way doing some pulls, our V1’s were going off Ka and i believe it was picking up each other’s radar’s because there were no cops, but it could’ve been a cop on Wolf Rd. or Albany-Shaker Rd. as we were passing by that bridge.

Radar detectors do not emit any signals, so they can’t pick each other up.

They’re not SUPPOSED to, but it’s just like EMF coming from high power lines, they leak a bit, the cheaper ones more than the others.

I need one in the worst way, i’m gonna go buy a 9500i on ebay right now. Suppose to have less false alerts then V1.

thats caus you hit a button ever time theres a false alert (store, pointless speedtrap, whatever) and it remembers that location and wont go off again. it will still pick up a real cop in that same “blocked” area though, thats the best part.

The 8500 and the V1 go hand-in-hand. I love the arrows so I prefer the V1. The cheap ones at WalMart or the ones for under $150 is a waste of money. You can try the attitude that it will help “some” of the time or “it’s better than nothing” when, in fact, it is a waste. Funny that some of you dump TONS of mods in your car but skimp on the important shit.

I’m pretty sure the 9500 is the same as the 8500 as far as detection goes, the 9500 just has GPS technology. Me and my buddy would cruise with the 8500 and V1 and the V1 would seem to be less “NUMB” to signals. It’d throw more false alarms, but go off for the real thing sooner.

yeah youre right about the 8500/9500 deal, just the GPS feature is new