questions about radar detectors

Ive heard numerous great things about v1’s but im still rocking my cobra from high school and it has never let me down once lol. Im 21 and have not had a single speeding ticket.It gets annoying when it goes off for security systems and what not but its picked cops up like half a mile away from me before.

Personally I use a whistler pro 58 and have not had a ticket in the 4 years i’ve owned it. It give a lot of false readings but it has amazing distance to it for costing less than $100.

Haha yep. My one on the 81 i was in the left lane and thought “Why is everyone going so slow”. As I blow over the hill my detector goes nuts and the cop got me.

I always wonder how much harder it is to shoot those things. I see a lot more laser speed traps now and they look like they are snipers in their cars.

Invest in a laser jammer… they actually DO work.

Hardwired V1 with X band turned off. It’s perfect.

V1, Xband disabled except when I’m in Jersey and the Dakotas.

Had a K40 in the GTR the past week, what a pile of GARBAGE. Just turned it off, wasn’t even worth having it on.

i love my escort 8500 x50. Rarely falses, good range and cheaper than a V1

Hardwired V1 here in the Cobra. Love it.

Two hardwired V1’s here (one 1.7, one 1.8/POP). Side benefit of hard wiring - I wired it into a switched circuit, so it’s only on when the ignition is. I never forget leaving it on/leaving it off that way.

If your interested, I run a company that rents out detectors for just this type of dilemma. We’ve got a lot of different detectors available, including the V1, the 8500 x50, and the newest Escort, the 9500i. If you wanted to rent a few of them, I could give you a serious discount.

I stopped using my V1. It did save my ass a couple times but every ticket Ive gotten was with the V1. No detector can warn against laser or instant on until its too late.

I’ve been pulled over more when I was using my radar detector than when I wasn’t using it. Needless to say, I don’t use it anymore. It’s just an excuse for me to speed.

Is there any law saying that laser jammers are illegal.

my brother in law is a state trooper and he LOVEs it when he pulls people over and they have a detector, he always asks, “so, when did that go off?”
they always say “as you tagged me” or “right after I saw your lights”

they are illegal.

detectors only illegal in D.C. & VA

That’s what happens when you have a shitty $50 Cobra from WalMart that is sliding around your dash. :eekdance:

laser jammers are legal but radar jammers are not. Laser jammers do not work 100% of the time and some are more effective than others.

I do not rely on my 8500 on the any interstate that much, only around town where most LEO’s are using K and Ka radar. Troopers love to use Laser, therefore your gonna get caught sooner or later if you rely on a detector to save you, thats just foolish

I’m sorry & no offense, but whoever has a detector, and DOESN’T use it: its like having fucking glasses and not wearing them.

Maybe seeing better allows you to run instead of walk, but you still have to be CAREFUL :bloated:

don’t speed when ur the first car in a pack, or the last, unless you know for sure there’s no cop pacing u from behind.

don’t speed without a “point man” in front of you.

you can speed more during the day - @ night, cops get creative w/ their hiding spots.

don’t speed cresting a hill, approaching a bend/curve in the road, etc - anywhere you don’t have good line of sight where a cop can be lurking

don’t speed in the left lane unless necessary.

follow these rules, and you will never get pulled over w/ a decent detector.

I bought my V1 the day I turned 16, and to this day, the only speeding tix I’ve gotten were when I didn’t have the V1 in the car/on. (10 years+. Shit I’m old)

That is a grey area, the law only states specifically radar jammers are illegal

Love my V1 1.7 wouldnt trade it for anything else. I have used the newer 1.8 in fiends cars and find that its a bit sensative/annoying. I will stick with my 1.7 version.