Another Radar Detector thread.

ok the evo’s back on the road I just picked up a nice set of all-season tires, I’m currently satisfied with the mods. but a few people have been making fun of my cheapo cobra radar detector. now Ive never received a speeding ticket with it, altho I often just drive with traffic, but I figure with a yellow car I might get picked on even more so I’m thinking of stepping up.

Now I really like the V1 Ive been in a S4 Audi with one, and Ive been in a Celica GTS that had one and both times I found they where less annoying then the x50 and I do like the arrows I also heard they make a helmet attachment for bikes.

Altho I have also been in a Golf that had a x50, I also borrowed an X50 when I went to NC and I liked it it was a little more annoying then the V1 but it also warned a little early-er.

My last option I’ve been looking at is zr3, I was thinking about this and keeping the cheap cobra but Ive never seen one nor used one. But the only time I have gotten a ticket was when I had my old whistler and I got nailed on laser. so this unit does interest me.

now the dilemma I only have 300 to spend. so a x50 or zr3 either or fit in my budget and the V1 is a little to high.
If I could find a V1 in my range I think I would get it.

So If you have a source and could hook a brother up cool if not what would be your opinion?


x50 all the way, would be my choice

Save up more money, get V1.

jesus christ where’s the picture of the dead horse

well this is alittle difrent its also to discuse the zr3.

soI guess its more x50 or zr3?

there also compatible with each other so I could do one now then mabye one later…

x50. detection is the most important thing.

x50= good performing and great price

v1= good performing, little bit pricey… but has directional arrows.

I do think, once you have the arrows on the v1 you will never want to go without them. Had my v1 for about 10 years now, great product :tup:

If you can, save up the extra 100 and get the v1. But the x50 is a good value too.


I have the v1 and I love it…the Ka band range kind sucks. (drivin about 80mph on the NY-90 it gives you about 3 seconds till you see the trooper driving)
The biggest thing to look at is laser detection. If you can pick up a laser signal from a car further ahead that is the best quality I believe.

are you driving it all year now?

You drive an evo and can’t figure out how to save $100 bucks?

Buy the v1, you won’t regret it, you’ll only regret not having arrows in the end.

Um ya that obvious isn’t it. if you drive an evo general maintenance will take you to the poor house.

yes the evo is going to be all year. I got sick of not driving it. it still will be a second to the GTI.

So if we ever get some snow call me up :slight_smile:

V1 All the way. Save the extra $100. After being in my car and having the arrows, it should be a no-brainer. Save the Cash get a V1.

get a V1. I’d never go back.

No, you drive pretty much a brand new car, you have no idea what the hell maintenance is.

Learn how to manage your finances? If you can’t figure out how to scrounge an extra 100 bucks, you might want to sell the car and buy something you can afford. Or, you might want to sell one of your cars, I don’t understand why you have two, it’s not like the GTI possesses something the evo doesn’t have…

I drive for work over 50k a year thats alot for one car. (the GTI is a work car)

your right I suck at budgeting money

ok I think I will get a V1. but is there a HUGE diffrence between the v1.8 and the V1.7 becouse the 1.7 fits my budget nice. or does the pop make a HUGE deal?

get the 1.8, or you can always get the 1.7 now and send it in to have them upgrade it