jammers are not 100% effective, and are usually effective intermittantly at best. Ive seen even the best jammers jam a laser gun right up to the gun, as if the vehicle wasnt even there, then on the next test run get locked on/picked off from nearly 1000ft away. Also, different laser jammers are effective on different laser radar guns, Even if your using the best stuff you can get, there is no substitute for using your brain and knowing when you can speed and when you cant, nothing is a cure all.
Quick right it down. I had a type-o
Having the jammer hidden wouldn’t be a bad idea, they can’t prove you jammed it if you had an on/off switch so if they tried to target you again it would read.
The boxes are usually mounted behind your grill, within a 18" radius of your headlights and tag.
I usually keep my speeds to about 10-15 mph over the speed limit. On long trips… 12hrs + you can cut off about 2 hours on your trip. I travel out of state a lot so remembering when and where I can speed is quite hard.
O I wasn’t aware I though they where the size of radar detectors. Ya on trips its different with speeding cause if your doing like 85+ you have to be alert I usually just go like 75.
It holds up in court, I got one in Brockport that they officer had a visual estimate on my speed, I got a ticket, the points and the fine. This was years ago, so I do not remember what the actual ticket stated, or what was actually said in court.
This is exactly what I was thinking. If you are notified that you are being targeted and slow down, then turn the jammer off so the cop can get a reading, I cant imagine he would think much of it.
I plan on purchasing a laser jammer very soon. Some people think it’s a waste of $ but I am rather fascinated with trying to defeat police speed traps, rather than slowing down everywhere.
You still slow down. I knew several people that ran these on their Audis.
You need to run it in combination with a V1. You leave it on, cruise at speed. Once the V1 lights up (indicating you are being tagged) you slow down to the speed limit or just above and flip it off. If you are quick, you have no issues. If you take too long, you get to enjoy an imprudent speed ticket. Cops use laser guns every day, they can tell when you are jamming the signal, and will be far more pissed than when you aren’t. If you think you are going to cruise by cops with it on you are sorely mistaken.