fs: 532nm <5mw classIIIb green laser

yea so i ordered this laser and i read the description wrong. and its not what i wanted. its good for somone who wants to see a green dot that goes about 2000 meters. you can see the beam in the dark. it cost me 30 bucks and the risk of getting it seized at customs. so 30 obo on this. just got it today.

can i put it on my gun? lol
im not going to do that, but is it cool? like terminator cool?

i could find something to do with it.

actually you can see the dot in daytime so ylu could put it on the rifle.

what doesnt it do that u wanted?

burn flesh

i thought id see the beam better at night then i can. i thought i was getting a 90 dollar laser for 30 bucks. nothing is ever as good as it seems. the dot goes pretty far but i cant see the beam so its not fun for me. we had a couple awesome ones in toronto that would burn shit but they are like 600 and its hard to get them over to north america. i had a good one but it broke so i ordered this one, not satisfied so i ponied up and ordered a better one, by jani should have a 125mw laser that burns shit.

with fog/smoke im sure u can see the beam right?

you can see a red laser through fog, this one should be very bright.

oh yeah. you can see it in some dark rooms even. in forg and smoke its really bright, green is the most visible color to the human eye. a red laser is 650nm and the green is 532. green is 60 times brighter than red.

ok well i want it
i wanna do some photographic experiments
do u have any pix of it?
i see them for less than 30 though? i copy pasted the description to various places

buttt lemme know

all lasers are different just like cameras. they have the same basic features but there are subtle differences like beam divergence shit.

ok do u have any pix of it? its not like, on a keychain right? lol

im taking pics now. it takes me awhile because i suck at teh photography.

lol did u point it into the lens??

yeah i dunno if thats bad for the camera but it looked neat. :gotme:

haha ok, can u ship it to me? im sure a thick envelope would work?
do u have paypal?

where do you live? i have paypal and i could prolly fedex it same day air. and it came in an envelope from overseas so im sure it would work.

tonawanda , u?

west seneca. im going out to campus and main tonight…