Do not stare at the laser

That has to be the :picard: of the week.

man, that’s scary…

“The treatment is not very pleasant. It involves a lot of needles,”

Fuck that!!! :nono:

i wonder if it’s the same type of laser show that they have at darien lake. they used to have it but not sure if still do.

Laser Floyd!

The need to use more powerful lasers, so that people start on fire.


Or at least some sharks with friggin lasers…

calling Marcus

wow, puts the saying “YOU’LL POKE AN EYE OUT” to rest doesn’t it…

“I don’t want you going to concerts, you could lose an eye!”

Working on an “In Soviet Russian…” joke…

ugh needles in my eye is just about the scariest fucking thing i can imagine…

In Soviet Russia, lazer is a-firin’ you!

lol there we go :tup:


In Soviet Russia, Rave fucks you!

Yeah I got nothing.

Mini-Me stop humping the “Laser”.

In Soviet Russia, laser charges you.


I’d rather have needles in the eye.

^ :lol:

For all the ICD9 people … it fits well here


