How much do you want Kyle? I know some 14 year old boys who would buy them.

Where did I meat these boys?

My buddies basement of course.

i am so excited for this show.

I pm’d you.

yea i go tyour PM - i have a ton of people saying if i dont sell them to let them know last minute and theyll snag them but im trying to get what theyre worth first

update - i have 3. not 2.

With such an exclusive show and how much FOB love thier old fans, I would have guessed they would have been playing maybe a set of all thier old stuff. If that was the cae I would snatch these up off you in no time.

I dont think I could even pretend to tolerate thier new stuff for over 15 minutes

3 are sold - 1 more of mine left for sale and can get maybe another one if u hurry tf up

got confirmation of many of these tickets going for way over 100. and 2 actually were traded for 2 bills/pats box seats…god i wish someone offered me that…they would have lost money w/ all the food/drinks i would have had

i may have another for sale… that would make a pair;)

buy mine and you sell the pair

few days left c’mon peeps

i hate them… but gained some respect for them…

just because they used the best fake band name EVER!!!

“Schrute Farms”

©Goose Inc.

2 days…you KNOW there will be a ton of tasty little babies there

what time does this bitch start?

In stupid furry boots, no doubt.

SO EXCITED. Bump, one left.


whatchu want

Good audio quality lol…

it’s keith buckley singing for fallout boy covering pantera - walk