FS: Coheed in Cambria tix FOR TONIGHT. CHEAP!

It’s in toronto, doors at 7. For Friend, paid 60 for both, sell for 25. Kind of a longshot on here, but w/e.

SON OF A BITCH…i work till 6:30 other than that i would have taken them

great deal on the tix, but coheed is way to whiney for me, glws

well… coheed probably wont go on till 9. i could probably drop off the tix to you too…

ugh. so whiney. I hate them.

i dunno…then i gotta deal with traffic…i would prob never make it…

alright. :frowning:

sorry brotha…

ugh coheed and blood brothers

i missed there rochester show due to me having mono

should be a awesome concert

yd ya buy um in the 1st place?? lol

:word: what he said ^


25 a piece or for both?

id need to find someone to go with me.

fuck all the Coheed haters.

