FUCK Golf!

false/ not really ur business

This thread needs poorly spelled stockcarboy death threats.

Matt Ryan once caught me in Target buying golf clubs and cones. He immediately ripped one of my arms off so I could no longer participate in golf or auto-x.


5 star thread. :lmao

i love golf and love auto X and am not remotely offended by or angry about either of your threads, although it is HIGHLY entertaining to see other people’s reactions :rofl :rofl :rofl


who races stock F150’s? I certainly dont.


he doesnt drink and that car is gone… This badass only drinks Sprite, lol


kid i went to highschool with, his name is PJ.:lol

prob. should cause wont be in the mustain anytime soon.:lol

It might be out sooner than later.

Oh I was completely joking, didn’t realize that was a serious matter.

and I know the car is gone, I bought parts off it

o cool

This is a serious matter here!

That is all…

FUCK salt!

my mom’s a nice lady, but she’s old as FUCK


we’re retarded. that is all…

you got a flat tire

ahhh Shitt