FUCK Golf!


Would you like to have a sword fight cutey??

That is all…

no sword fight. but how did u ever make out with the pix i took of ur balls?? ROFL:rofl

I’ll have you know that I dont put out on the first date. I’m not a whore, but if you take me out to a special dinner at KFC ya never know :rofl

would you settle for some head and the dollar menu??


ok but you’re the bitch.

This thread has brought me to tears hahahahah

I need more Matt Ryan in my life.

I agree with this, except i like golf, keep it up and yo ass will need a BAMBULANCE!

I know how you feel, I overdosed on Matt Ryan for about 4 years of my life, I had to move to CT and just got through my recovery…I am doing well now…that is all

FUCK Connecticut!

That is all…

yo what the fuck bro! keep talkin shit, i’m in the best shape of my life! doin 2 a day golf practices in full uniform and pads (knickers and sweatervest)…keep it up and i’ll find you and PUNCHASIZE YO FACE!!!1!

ohhhh shit son… it’s becoming srs bzn now!

Golf is for black people.

That is all…


black people are totally taking over our last white sport… atleast they can be jockies!

NOOO!!! Dustin took over Ryan’s username! HE’S GOING TO PUNCH FACES!


ryan wanted to punchs the faces of the guys who were playing ahead of us last week… god damn guys couldn’t of let us play thru… it was faukin cold out too

i DEF agree with the OP and topic in general

golf is dumb